Prologue - The Battle of Beaumont

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Prologue - The Battle of Beaumont

Post by Alex »

Kindred watching any news channel would be able to see a news report much like the one on CNN's cable network. A handsome man stands in front of a camera, a bulletproof vest wrapped around his long-sleeved shirt. He doesn't hold a microphone, speaking instead to a small headset he wears. Around him are a mixture of other reporters standing in the press zone at the Beaumont State Penitentiary in Texas. They're flanked not by private security, but by United States National Guard troops. In these modern nights, the soldiers wear helmets with visors that protect them and enhance their spatial awareness and aim. At the signal from his cameraman, the correspondent begins to speak. The environment is mostly quiet, but every few moments a gunshot punctures the uneasy calm.

"Thank you, Jim," the correspondent says. "I'm standing in what federal and state authorities are referring to as the Green Zone - Beaumont's harbor, where security forces and the national guard have established a presence and a command center. Just three nights ago, Beaumont was rocked by three subterranean explosions that took much of its underground light rail system offline. This attack was followed up by what survivors of the attack describe as a concerted attack by terrorists, leading to a general riot in the harbor and manufacturing districts of the city. While the riot did not spread to the primary prison complex, the presence of prison laborers working in he city led to riots outside of it. With dozens of prisoners having escaped into the night, Texas state authorities are preparing to announce a manhunt focused on the outskirts of Houston, where the prisoners are considered most likely to escape to..."

But as this story was told to millions of shocked mortals across the United States, mortals fearful of what it meant for them, another story was told by Anarchs. A story of hope and power. A story that had just a few different tellings.

"...and then," Kitty Powers said. "Alain popped fucking Gangrel claws, yeah he learned Protean!" Kitty sat in the middle of a crowd of Anarchs gathered to a Rant on the moonlit beach. Her husband sat in the middle of them, pleased to be hearing his wife tell such a riveting tale. "And he went for these two guys. Solo! Tore them both to ribbons. They never had a fucking chance!" Cries of approval come from the crowd of undead Anarchs, the crew of the Pirate Port of Anarch Tampa Bay. "Of course the prisoners rioted! Have you fuckers met Alain? Wherever he goes just locks down and calls out the pigs pre-emptively. The dude is a Kindred powder keg that lights itself! So after that..."

"...Austin Spencer managed to cow one guard with a single glance!" Ace Cullen told Anarch Caitiff at a bar. They raised their glasses - glasses that were empty, but still made a pleasant sound when they liked what they heard. Or could be thrown at the head of anyone who pissedthem off. "And I've seen Hampton. He's the size of two raptors, like those giant eagles in the Amazon remnants that pick up sloths and just drop 'em. Another guy snuck up on him, but Austin was too quick. He stole the first guy's gun and put one right between his eyes. The moment the prisoners saw the guards go down, they flipped out. The oppressed know one of their own taking charge. And Austin carries our Blood with pride! And then..."

"...and then, children of Caine!" Mateo Dominguez shouted to a warehouse full of Anarchs, many of whom had been Sabbat just a lifetime ago. "Words reached the ears of our Punic Angels that the Anarchs to the south had been beset by too many mortals to lay waste to on their own! But New Carthage never leaves a man or woman behind, mi hermanos y hermanas! So they struck out, reaching them just as their strongest member - a Brujah unmatched in ferocity and power - fell to their bullets! Even she could not stand alone against the Camarilla thugs of Beaumont. But our brother and sister, Mehmet the Blood Angel and Amaranth the Seraph of the Dark, flung themselves into the enemy. While our Angels crave an honorable Final Death, the Camarilla was no match for our might! In the name of Carthage, victory was claimed without a single loss!"

But one more story was being told. This story wasn't being shared far and wide, though. It was being conveyed through a conference call. It began with the words of Andre LaVoix, but not spoken by the Brujah himself. Those words had been recorded when he made his broadcast at Beaumont, and they had fallen into the hands of the mortal authorities who came to put down the uprising and restore order to the prison-city. Agent Francis Northam had his camera on, but his counterparts did not. He didn't need to see them to know who they were, though. They were gray men in gray suits. Faceless, nameless functionaries within the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Security Agency, and a half dozen other state and national law enforcement bodies. The agency heads didn't get involved in these things - they couldn't as long as Vampires didn't officially exist. The Mayor and the City Council President of New Orleans were the only other parties to have their cameras on. Northam allowed a moment of silence after the recording, hidden from the public, was completed. Northam's superiors had wondered why he had invited him, but with the conclusion of this second recording there was little doubt.

"I am sure that I don't have to explain the similarities between the rhetoric employed by the terrorists who struck the Beaumont State Penitentiary and this May 21st, 2070 broadcast by Andre LaVoix released through the Dark Web," Northam said. "I have every reason to believe that this LaVoix is the same one who has been broadcasting since the late 2010's, and that he is not acting alone. LaVoix himself has indicated that Vampires are split into two political factions, each holding certain territories. Houston is held by a organization he calls the Elites - a hierarchical body of Vampires whom he claims hold most of the levers of global finance and politics. Among other cities, LaVoix claims they hold Houston. LaVoix himself is a member of a faction he refers to as Freedom Fighters, Vampires who stand in opposition to the Elites and favor decentralized, horizontal leadership. These Freedom Fighters hold New Orleans. And I believe this vampiric political struggle was the motivation for the grisly attack on the Beaumont State Penitentiary. LaVoix has spoken of open conflict between the Elites and Freedom Fighters - as well as a defunct organization he calls the Blood Cult - coming into conflict prior to our discovery of the undead. It would seem to me that such conflicts are resuming after a lull in the 21st century, and that they are spilling over into antigovernment activity."

"Yes, yes," cut in Alton Gerard, President of the New Orleans City Council. The presence of the Mayor was a formality. Everyone knew Alton held the card. "We understand this evidence is very compelling - but only assuming the information you have is accurate. How can you verify any of this, Agent Northam? With all due respect, the idea that the Leeches can manage this much firepower seems...beyond belief."

"I understand, Councilman, that these claims sound extraordinary," Northam explained. "I do not expect you to take this whole scenario on my authority. But I do intend to test these hypotheses. In order to do so however, I will need the full cooperation of both the federal and New Orleans local governments."

"And that full cooperation will be granted," came a dour, female voice belonging to the Deputy Undersecretary of the Department of Homeland Security. "The administration expects New Orleans to assist and accommodate Agent Northam's investigation. Even if the details of his theory are incorrect, it seems extremely likely that there are terrorists in your city responsible for billions in damage and dozens of lives lost. Refusal to comply is not an option."

"I had no plans of refusing, ma'am," Gerard assured her. "I just want to make sure we're actually investigating that attack. No offense to Agent Northam, but my experience with occult specialists and people with an interest in Vampires has been somewhat less than positive."

"No offense taken, Councilman," Francis assured the older man. "Unfortunately, public discourse on vampires has been dominated by vigilantes, bigots, and clowns. I intend to deliver results with this investigation, starting with the top. There is one figure that this LaVoix character mentions with some frequency, one I think may be of some interest to you. A Freedom Fighter leader who may be able to tell us a great deal about the Vampires and their motivations." Francis was quiet for a moment, and Alton listened intently.

"Have you ever heard of Big Daddy?"
Alex - Your Friendly Neighborhood Storyteller
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