Word Among the Damned

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Word Among the Damned

Post by Alex »

Most Kindreds' worlds end at the boundaries of their city. Even in an interconnected world, that which is outside of their own hunting grounds is simply not of great interest to the damned. But in these modern nights, the happenings of one city are having more and more of an impact on others. Kindred have always been suckers for gossip - even Anarchs who look down their noses at the perfumed dandies in Elysium will spread rumors of their own. Among the Anarchs in particular, those rumors have found their way into the murky backalleys of the internet - the Dark Web, where Vampires can speak openly with some sense of safety. This new Vampire gossip is not always definitive, but it's becoming more important with every passing night.
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February 24th, 2071

Post by Alex »

With Mardi Gras fast approaching for the Free State, the preparations undertaken in the last few weeks for this bigger year than usual have begun to bear fruit. A few other surprises have come for the Kindred of New Orleans, as well. Truly, no Kindred is still during these exciting nights.

The Mardi Gras Rant
With their connections, the Kindred of New Orleans were able to strike out across the continent to seek delegates to discuss a looming war with the Camarilla. The following responses were received by the Free State, giving them the final guest list - barring any surprises. And Kindred are known for surprises.

Captainette Katrina "Kitty" Powers will attend on behalf of The Free Port of Tampa Bay. She attends on behalf of both her city and her husband, Captain Axel Powers, who will be remaining behind to guard against potential incursions.

Ace Cullen will attend on behalf of the The Free City of Orlando and its majority Clanless population. Cullen intends to bring the concerns and grievances of the Clanless to the Rant.

Warlord Raenie Williams has politely declined to attend the Rant on behalf of the Freehold of Jacksonville or to assign a delegate, as her focus remains on guarding against incursions from Camarilla Atlanta and Charleston. She has asked Ace Cullen to relay word back to her.

Archbaron Mateo Dominguez has enthusiastically volunteered to represent his...er...the Free City of Miami - though he would prefer you call it "New Carthage." He is ready to meet his few Anarchs to plot the next phase of war against the Tower.

The Central Committee of the Caribbean, led by Chairman Alejandro Toledo of the Havana Cainite Commune will not send a delegate, but does send its blessing for the event. They will be appraised of its happenings by the Archbaron Mateo Dominguez.

The Empire Free State and its Kindred Assembly have voted to send three representatives to the Rant on behalf of the Anarchs of the Northeast. Louis Chereau of New York City, Anthony Clarkson of Boston-in-Exile (Providence), and Phoenix Slayton of Detroit will attend.

Horace Badgley and his Gang will be traveling to the Rant from the Pacific Free State. While they represent only themselves, as the Pacific Free State maintains no leaders, it is whispered in Anarch spaces in the DarkWeb that the Anarch philosopher Salvador Garcia is very interested to hear Horace's accounting of the Rant.

The Rant will be held in a large pavilion at the Mardi Gras Fountain, which has been secured by Bonaparte Desrosiers, Alain Jeannet, and Arthur Beauregard. Attendance is open to Anarch Kindred and mortal allies, but it is asked that word is not spread. It would be best that the Camarilla have no chance to find out the specifics of the event.

An Invitation
One way or another, the Kindred of the New Orleans will find a gold-leafed invitation in their possession. The invitation is from Jasmine Tate, welcoming the Anarchs to an evening of luxury aboard the Claire de Lune. She promises that Blood will flow freely, and that attendees will be offered credit for gambling to enjoy themselves while discussing the future of the city.
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Re: Word Among the Damned

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The following is transcribed from a paper that occasional finds its way through Anarch circles. A few of the delegates from abroad brought their own copy, and I'd say any New Orleans Anarch can say they've seen this before either in print or online through Andre. It acts as an IC understanding of the conventions surrounding Rants.

Rules of the Rant
By Salvador Garcia, with assistance from Horace Badgley
P. January, 2065

Abstract: I lay out a general understanding of the "rules" of Anarch Rants in the modern nights. While right-thinking Anarchs reject the constraining context of terms such as "rules" and "laws", it is understood as per Dukheim that there are certain conventions external to rules and laws which govern the behavior of thinking beings in a society. With the invaluable assistance of my dear friend Horace Badgley, I have conducted 30 interviews across North America to understand the general-held conventions of Rants in the Anarch Free States. There are no police to enforce these rules and no body to fine errant Anarchs, but violations of these rules are commonly met with violence from other participants and social ostracism.


Rule 1 - Violence is Encouraged, Killing Is Not
Questions at Rants are settled as much by violence as by wit or charisma. But violence has its limits. Most Anarchs consider the use of firearms at a Rant to be "unsporting", to say nothing of the risk of drawing attention from the mortal authorities of a city. Powers of the Blood which might lead to serious injury and Final Death are also frowned upon. Patriotic Anarchs never know when they may be called to the front to fight for our freedom, and weakening ourselves over an internal dispute is a poor use of Blood and could endanger our unlives. For the same reason, violence is expected to cease before an Anarch Vampire falls into Torpor.

Rule 2 - Blood May Power the Fists, But not the Tongue
Good Anarchs see strength of form and strength of argument as a proper avenue for making their case to their fellows. To bend the mind is to use tools more befitting the Camarilla or the dread Sabbat. The use of the powers of Presence and Dominate are considered to be unfair play at Rants, and if caught will likely lead to expulsion. Anarchs consider the need to use these powers as disrespectful to the free will of others and a concession that the Vampire using these powers cannot win by the merit of their strength or their arguments alone.

Rule 3 - No Side Rooms, No Side Deals
While it would be folly to deny our nature, Good Anarchs reject the smoke-filled rooms and back-alley dealings of the Camarilla. While gangs are known to huddle amongst themselves, and sidebar discussions take place, this all happens at the location of the Rant. Anything that pertains to the Rant can be discussed at it, where other Anarchs can take part. Parties who seek to conduct business away from their fellows invite their suspicion, and may find that they're not welcomed back into the establishment.


Conclusion: While no formal rules govern Rants, the conventions that do represent the values our Movement is built upon. Openness, fairness, and forthrightness with one's fellow Anarchs are virtues when Rants must take place. To undermine these principles undermines the Rant and undermines the Movement.
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Re: Word Among the Damned

Post by Alex »

In the wake of the Anarchs' attack on the Flesh Cathedral in Houston, Andre will begin sending a video around the Free City. He says he found it through his contacts on the Dark Web, and it's been a considerable topic of discussion among Anarchs across North America. For those Kindred with regular access to technology, he'll have sent it digitally - either by dummy e-mail or burn phone. For those Kindred less technologically inclined, he'll have shown it to them directly.
The video begins with a bit of movement. It focuses in on a tall, square-jawed man clearly closer to the Beast than any Anarch in the Free State. The Anarchs of New Orleans know him as Julian Parker, Bonaparte's old gangmate who walked away over his Bishop's decision to join the Movement.


He sits alone in a dimly-lit room, the poor camera quality causing some pixilation. It's clear that he's not working from state-of-the-art equipment. Once the picture finishes focusing, Julian speaks.

JULIAN: "Brothers and sisters, I am known to the night as Julian Parker, Brother to the Sabbat and a humble servant of our Dark Father Caine. For decades, I have watched in dismay - as many of you surely do - as the ongoing war against the Eldest has taken a dire turn. The collapse of our Sabbat has left the childer of Caine with nowhere to turn for salvation. On one side they have been faced with our ancient enemy, the Camarilla that seeks to enslave all Cainites to the oppressive yoke of the ancients. On the other side they are left only with the Anarch Movement, Cainites in denial of their divinity and utterly blind to the will of Caine."

Julian pauses at that, reaching out to adjust the camera.

JULIAN: "These have been decades of despair for our kind, with Caine's own faithful cast out into the wastes to scrounge out an existence for themselves and keep the Dark Father's word kindled in our hearts. But after these trying times, there is cause for rejoicing. There is cause for hope that the war to return our Father Caine to his place of glory over the living and the dead is not lost."

Julian pauses again, this time to smile. His inhumane smile is a sickly, ghoulish expression. Not anything one could mistake for joy or happiness.

JULIAN: "After decades in exile, the Sword of Caine has once again buried itself in the hearts of our enemies. Just nights ago, pious Cainites rose up in the slums of Houston to throw off the shackles of the Camarilla. They slew one of the Eldest of the Domain, the Primogen Theodore Bronson, and seized his bastions for themselves. Freed from the slavery of their Elders, these Cainites have declared that the righteous fire of our Sabbat - thought snuffed out for almost half a century - burns through the night once more. Just as the Camarilla scum of Houston have burned in the fires of our revolt."

Julian adjusts the camera, moving it back a bit to capture more of himself.

JULIAN: "Communing in esbat, the free Cainites of Houston have declared the formation of a new Sabbat - one rid of the hypocrisy and cowardice that drove Montreal, Toronto, and Miami into the arms of our enemies. One that will not lower ourselves to groveling for scraps from the cattle around us. One that will seize power from our undeserving Elders and claim it for ourselves in the name of Caine. I was honored to be appointed as Archbishop of our new Parish of Houston - our Parish of the Crucible. But I do not speak only for myself. I speak for our Packs. For our Ducti and Bishops. And for our Regent, the feared Regent Lord Samuel Dalton. We are the first of many fangs to be driven into the unbeating hearts of our enemies.

Julian sits back, exuding confidence in his new position.

JULIAN: "So to my brothers and sisters squabbling in the wastes, know that we can be more than cults and militias. To those Cainites enslaved upon by the yoke of their Elders, know that they may be slain just as the rest of us. And to those who betrayed the Sabbat in its hour of need..."

Julian brings the camera right up to his face.

JULIAN: "Know that you will not face justice by my fangs. For justice belongs to our Regent. And you will have much to explain to the Regent Lord Dalton."

Julian sets the camera back down.

JULIAN: "So go forth and fight, my brothers and sisters. Embrace all that has been given to you - in the name of Caine!

The video ends with a still image of the Sabbat sigil.

Alex - Your Friendly Neighborhood Storyteller
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