Hunters and Haters

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Hunters and Haters

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As much as Vampires fear each other, most fear the living far more. In the same way a lion avoids prey in herds that can trample them in a stampede, the damned must be mindful of how their actions might provoke their mortal kine. In the wake of the Blood Hunts and the veritable end of the Masquerade, Kindred must be more cautious than ever in their dealings with mortals. It may not be necessary to pretend that they themselves live all the time, but even the lowliest mortal is a near-insurmountable enemy at noon. Mortals pose a unique danger to the damned. What they lack in supernatural powers, they make up for in numbers, familiarity with their own world, and the ability to walk under the cleansing light of the sun.

Despite Kindred's best efforts, it's almost impossible not to make enemies in the duration of an eternal life. The Anarchs of New Orleans are no different than any other. In their efforts, they have scorned and alienated the living. And some of those they have scorned wield power over the city and thus its undead inhabitants. These mortals, given the right circumstances, are as dangerous as any Elder if left unchecked and may pose a unique threat in the coming nights.
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Re: Hunters and Haters

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Name: Roger Anderson
Apparent Age: Mid-70's
Position: Senior Executive at Horizons Unlimited
Relation: Enemy of Catherine Chevalier
  • A New Orleans local, born to an upper-middle class family that goes back generations in the city.
  • Married Michelle DuBois in the 2020's, and fathered her sons William (43) and Robert (40)
  • Was subjected to a public, lengthy divorce in the late 2030's after pushing Michelle to cut off Catherine - lost custody of the children
  • Spent the 2040's rebuilding his reputation and quietly advocating against toleration for Vampires in New Orleans and donating to like-minded politicians
  • Remarried in the late 2040's, and now has wife Laura (41) and a son Marcus (21) and daughter Sylvie (19) both attending Tulane University
  • Now works as a Senior Executive for Horizons Unlimited
  • Helped found the New Orleans Council for Public Safety, and is a prolific donor to public officials
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Re: Hunters and Haters

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Name: Father Auryon
Apparent Age: Late 50's
Position: Parish Priest for the Archdiocese of New Orleans
Relation: Enemy of Austin Spencer
  • Didn't arrive in the city until the late 2050's - dispatched directly from Rome to replace his predecessor after a sex scandal
  • Known to minister directly to the poor, and to be one of the few city leaders who seems interested in issues of poverty
  • Has drawn a tie between "sinful" behaviors and "the unnatural" - a veiled allusion to Vampires nesting in disenfranchised communities
  • Arrival preceded an uptick in mortal hunter activity, which the Anarchs do not consider a coincidence
  • Hunts post-Sabbat, Anarch, and Camarilla in New Orleans indiscriminately
  • Is a founding member of the Committee for Public Safety, and a frequent speaker before the city council
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Re: Hunters and Haters

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Name: Pratik Mehta
Apparent Age: Late 40's
Position: Member of the New Orleans City Council, District 6 (Business District - Central)
Relation: Enemy of Alain Jeannet
  • Born in New York City to wealthy Indian expatriates living in the city, and attended Wharton Business School
  • Moved to New Orleans during the 2040's to invest in local manufacturing, where he ran up against agitation by local workers
  • Profited immensely after Hurricane Cassidy and the rebuilding of the city, and is now ones of its richest men
  • Was elected to office after moving to the city's business district, where he represents the city's wealthiest conglomerates
  • Has made attempts to further monitor working-class and poor communities - a shot at the city's Vampires
  • Is known to primarily represent the city's Chamber of Commerce, leading to some clashes with more traditionalist anti-Vampire persons
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Re: Hunters and Haters

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Name: Léon Breaux
Apparent Age: Late 20's
Position: Leader of the Big Cats, Southside Street Gang
Relation: Stalker of Catherine Chevalier, Contact to Alexis Delacroix
  • Born in the Lower Ninth Ward, and transplanted to Southside after Hurricane Cassidy as a young boy
  • Was one of the first generation to grow up in the new slums of a larger New Orleans, and was largely raised on the streets
  • Joined the New Orleans Blades as a teenager, and killed its leader and took over around 2060
  • Expanded the size and turf of the Blades, renamed the Big Cats, through the 2060's - where he met and fell for Catherine Chevalier in her guise as Isabelle LeBlanc
  • Owns a slum club and casino - the Lion's Den - and uses it as a hub for the town's largest vice trading operation
  • Has shown an interest in illicit technologies and the occult as ways to make himself more powerful
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Re: Hunters and Haters

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Name: Francis Northam
Apparent Age: Early 50's
Position: FBI Special Investigator for Unsolved Cases, Detailed to the Eastern District of Louisiana
Relation: Enemy of Andre LaVoix
  • History mostly unknown, or more likely classified - it's unclear if Francis Northam is his actual name
  • Assigned to the US Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Louisiana as a Special Investigator
  • Is known by the Vampires of New Orleans as a hunter, capable as an individual and able to commit resources to hunting for the damned
  • Has taken an interest in Andre LaVoix and his claims of the paranormal, and has made at least one attempt to take Andre's podcasts down
  • Is responsible for mundane duties, as well, and officially specializes in black market trading and has focused on the Dark Carnival
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