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Post by Alex »


Many among the damned hoped that the Sabbat's collapse in the 2010's would be the end of the monstrous Blood-cult's depravity. But old habits die hard, and old religions die harder. As time has marched on, more and more disturbing reports of what are called "Post-Sabbat" cells. These small groups of Vampires dot the devastated American interior, holding down compounds, cults, and in some cases even small towns full of mortals kidnapped, brainwashed, or convinced to Embrace their beliefs. At base, the Post-Sabbat believes what the original Sabbat did - that the Dark Father Caine granted them dominion over the world, so long as they could crush the antediluvians. No two Post-Sabbat cells are alike, but all adhere to these core values. The Anarchs of Houston are entirely too familiar with one very close to home.
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Re: Post-Sabbat

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Name: "Brother" Julian Parker
Apparent Age: Early 30's
Years Undead: ~230
Clan: Malkavian

It is hard to believe in these nights that the Camarilla and the Anarchs ever cooperated. Julian Parker is one of the few reminders of just what it took to make that alliance happen. Julian's mortal life is unimportant to him, as it is to the damned of New Orleans. In death, he was a stalwart of the Sabbat and one of its most fervent supporters. In those nights he was Packed with Bonaparte Desrosiers and Andrew Romanov, serving as the soul of the Pack. As the Sect fell and the Viniculum faded, though, a rift began to grow between Bonaparte and Andrew and the still-faithful Julian. That rift erupted the night that Baron Richard was killed, when Julian offered Sheldon Carter to Bonaparte for diablerie only to be rebuffed. Julian walked away from his Pack that night and was not seen for years, only heard of in the halls of Miami where he was no longer welcome. He would emerge back into the night, though, launching a brutal attack on the Anarchs and mortals of New Orleans in what would come to be known as the Night of Blood.

Julian now claimed leadership of the Cult of Abimelek - a post-Sabbat cult named for the Biblical villain who slayed 70 of his own brothers to become king. Julian became infamous for the crimes he committed on the Night of Blood. On that night Julian would kidnap both the Tzimisce Alicia Fairchild and Austin Spencer's mortal sister Ines, the latter in a brutal attack on her family home that left her family dead. Julian's murder of the Spencers and clear evidence of the role of the undead in it caused a full-blown anti-Kindred riot, staunched only after great effort. Julian continued to make efforts to destabilize New Orleans through the next few decades, but has gone quiet recently. The Anarchs hope that he met his end, but it seems more likely that he is hatching some even greater scheme against them.

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Re: Post-Sabbat

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Name: Behemoth
Apparent Age: Early 30's
Years Undead: Unknown
Clan: Gangrel

There is little worth saying about Behemoth that is not already stated by his name. His past is as irrelevant to the Movement as it is to him. The hulking Gangrel prefers speaking with his fists to speaking with his mouth, and acts as the enforcer of Brother Julian's Cult of Abimelek. Behemoth is ferocious in battle, whether it be in his own skin or in the form of an enormous dire wolf that he's able to take by the power of his Blood. Mortals stand little chance against this Beast, and most Kindred would likely fall before him just as easily. Despite his strength, Behemoth was humiliated during the Post-Sabbat's attack on New Orleans in 2033. In attempting to kidnap Alicia Fairchild, he was soundly defeated by the Tzimisce's sire. Alexis Delacroix nearly put Behemoth to his Final Death, not only wounding his body but his pride.

There is little doubt that this monster seeks a rematch with Alexis, one that he hopes to end by claiming the Tzimisce warrior's soul. Until then he trains for that very night while continuing his duties to Brother Julian and the Cult of Abimelek. Perhaps next time, he will have the upper hand.

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Re: Post-Sabbat

Post by Alex »


Name: Draco
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Years Undead: 37
Clan: Tzimisce

Many Kindred could mistake Draco for a Toreador, if they didn't know any better. The Vampire is beautiful, with an unnatural quality to her - as though she's too perfect to be real. They would find that sentiment true when she stopped rousing her Blood, revealing the clammy skin and ashen palor of a Vampire who abandoned her humanity sometime ago.

Despite this lack of humanity, though, Draco seems to be the "face" of the Cult of Abimelek when it comes to dealing with mortals. She is younger than Julian and seems younger than Behemoth, making her understanding of the living more recent. And where her lack of humanity may preclude a soft approach, the Post-Sabbat would be unlikely to endorse such an approach regardless. Instead, Draco appeals to human vice. She prides herself as one of the old Sabbat's Cathari, a manipulator of mortals' lust, gluttony, greed, and vanity to turn them towards the will of Caine. In the midst of the desperation felt by modern mortals, Draco's offer of empowerment and escape through Caine is an enticing one. That same offer has allowed her to build a small criminal empire among the mortals of the Limits, and it is unknown how far her tentacles may very well reach. There is little Draco cannot provide for the right price.

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