Camarilla Abroad

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Camarilla Abroad

Post by Alex »


The Camarilla is the largest blanket organization of Kindred in the world, if one goes by their geographical boundaries. There may be more Anarchs by sheer numbers, but the Camarilla's reach is broad and propped up by some of the most powerful undead monsters in existence. These Camarilla pose as much a threat to the Anarch Movement as any city, and the travels of the Kindred of New Orleans have sadly drawn the ire of a few of these formidable foes. Their arrival would herald a new and dangerous threat for the Free City of New Orleans to face.
Alex - Your Friendly Neighborhood Storyteller
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Re: Camarilla Abroad

Post by Alex »


Name: Reginald Cheshire II
Apparent Age: Early 60's
Years Undead: ~350
Clan: Ventrue
Title: Archon to Madame Guil, Justicar for Clan Toreador

Reginald Cheshire II came from the finest pedigree, both in life and in death. The gentleman Ventrue was born into the colonial aristocracy of North Carolina, fathered by a plantation-owning father and his wife shipped from England to be wed to him. As a boy, he was educated to take after his father's expertise in growing tobacco and cotton, and as a man he took over the plantation's operations once his old man died. But where his father built a plantation, Reginald was able to profit even further by investing the profits of that empire into a venture the elder Reginald neglected - shipping. By the time of his death, Reginald had interests from the port of Boston to harbors in Africa and the Caribbean. Those ties brought him wealth beyond his father's, but also brought about his untimely demise. Reginald's knack for commerce and wealth brought him to the attention of Prince Graham Elliot of Charlotte, and Reginald was welcomed to the Domain as its favored new childe. With more money and time than any one man could need, the Embraced Reginald took up new hobbies - not just shipping goods, but tracking them and the people doing that shipping. Perhaps unconventionally for a Ventrue, Reginald became adept at using commerce and trade to identify persons of interests to him and cajole or eliminate them as he saw fit. Once again, his skills won him notice. Reginald was a major player in the Camarilla's slow, steady takeover of the North American continent from the Sabbat after the American Civil War, and he found himself named an Archon to the Toreador Justicar Madame Guil at the turn of the 20th century. Under her supervision, Reginald turned his work away from the war against the Sabbat and towards keeping the westward moving Anarchs in check.

Reginald found the Anarchs much more difficult quarry than the Sabbat, finding himself personally humiliated by Alain Jeannnet during one of the Toreador's infamous Elysium pranks and unable to predict the Second Revolt that would sweep Southern California. Reginald's attention turned back to the Sabbat during the 1990's, when his sire was slain in a brutal crucifixion by the Tzimisce Alexis Delacroix - her most well-known feat. He spent the next decades seeking revenge for the attack on his Blood, and decades more with the rest of the Camarilla trying desperately to hold on to the Masquerade in the early nights of the Third Anarch Revolt. But with the Masquerade in tatters and the Sabbat gone with it, Reginald is likely to turn his attention back to the Movement that has so far eluded him.
Alex - Your Friendly Neighborhood Storyteller
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