Solo Anarchs in New Orleans

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Solo Anarchs in New Orleans

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Name: Arthur Beauregard
Apparent Age: Late 30's
Years Undead: ~300
Clan: Ventrue

Description: Along with the Prince himself, Arthur Beauregard most likely has the longest history in the region - though one can't discount the possibility that other Elders have been lurking about in their schemes. Arthur was the son and heir to a wealthy, if not well-known, Louisiana plantation family. This attachment to wealth drew in his sire, the late Earl Windthorpe, Prince of New Orleans, to bring him into the Blood and bring his resources to bare for the city. Arthur perhaps became best known for his Ventrue Curse, one of the few who had his own exquisite tastes made public to the Domain. With the easiest stock of mortals being his own plantation slaves, Arthur came to develop a taste for the blood of humans in a state of bondage. Arthur served the Domain of New Orleans well as a neonate until 1862, when he was one of the few Camarilla who managed to flee the Sabbat takeover of the city by Archbishop Lord Samuel Dalton. Arthur fled to St. Louis, taking a beating to his prestation for fleeing the Sabbat but holding on to his Unlife and his membership in the Camarilla.

Arthur stayed in St. Louis until 1950, when he secured passage to Houston to bolster the newly-formed Domain under Prince Alderidge. Arthur's peculiar tastes led him to becoming a prominent figure in the Houston underworld, gradually regaining his prestige and finding his way into the good graces of the city. While not the best-regarded of the Domain, Arthur was assigned to the position of Deputy for the Sheriff during the Sabbat offensive of the 90's. And when the Anarchs were bidden to attack New Orleans in 2010, Arthur expressed a personal interest in the project and has served as the Camarilla's and Anarchs' go-between through the operation. Arthur has regarded the Anarchs with a passing contempt, as tools to achieve his real goal - to take back the city that he thinks rightly belongs to him. Everything the Anarchs knew about Arthur was turned on its head, though, when the Ventrue showed up to Baron Richard's memorial asking to join. Declaring that if he could not rule New Orleans it would not be ruled, Arthur took up the Anarch cause. His actions on the night of the Cajun Twilight Ball were simple, but essential in allowing the Anarchs their chance to fell Prince Henry and the city's Camarilla.

Now among the Anarchs, Arthur made his mark in the Movement through an unlikely avenue - the city's police. Using his own talents and capital funneled to him from the Anarch liberation of Florida, Arthur began investing in various companies that supplied the police and using those connections to meet people on the inside. His status allowed him to show his worth to the Anarchs in the 2030's. Arthur's influence over the police was essential to the Anarchs' survival as the Masquerade collapsed. He used the police to pin violent, Vampiric incidents like the Night of Blood on the Blood Hunts themselves, and ensured that evidence against the city's Movement was buried and lost. The decade won him the trust of the Movement, and the 2040's would be the final piece in his puzzle of influence. Arthur would spend that decade working with Alain Jeannet to position Obsidian Inc. to become the premier police provider in the city - and to remain under the Anarchs' influence. And all the while, Arthur worked his influence in the department to take the occasional unfortunate to add to his Herd as a new slave. These nights, Arthur havens in a variety of luxurious venues and cultivates his creeping empire in an era of profitable law enforcement. His Ghoul, Val Moretti, handles his night-to-night work and serves as an important liaison between the Ventrue and corporate leaders who understand the value of positive relations. New Orleans Eldest Anarch will not be left behind as the city and the Movement move forward.

Notable Traits (Talents, Assets, Merits, etc.):
  • Maintains sizable investments in the city's largest corporations, using them to maintain some influence and enrich himself
  • Is integrated into the city's police department - specifically among the beat cops and security officers on the streets
  • Keeps a large Herd of enslaved mortals to sustain himself, in keeping with his Ventrue Curse
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Re: Solo Anarchs in New Orleans

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Name: Jasmine Tate
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Years Undead: 67
Clan: Lasombra

Description: In a Free City brimming with oddballs and outsiders, Jasmine Tate has made a mark for not being those things. As a mortal, Jasmine was one of six children born to an impoverished family from the Lower Ninth Ward - not far from where the Fourth Way havened. As a young woman she never accepted the idea that her family's circumstances should get in the way of her success. She was willing to do anything to overcome it. And when she was 18, the chance came when she met New Orleans entrepreneur Larry Glass. Glass was married, but was taken by the young woman's beauty and offered her cash to keep the affair discrete. These payments allowed Jasmine to move out of her house and attend Community College. But three years into it Larry and his wife divorced and Jasmine was forced into a legal union with the man. As his wife, Jasmine found Larry more controlling of her lifestyle and unenthusiastic about her desire to be educated and go on to something else. Jasmine was figuring out how to get away from her increasingly erratic husband when fate intervened. Jasmine arrived home one night not to Larry, but Bonaparte Desrosiers. The Anarch Lasombra Embraced her, and then allowed her to kill Larry as her first meal. Jasmine took well to the first nights of her unlife, learning from her formidable sire when he was in New Orleans. But the war for Florida took him away, and in his absence Jasmine struggled. She was alarmed by her inability to operate simple technology that, even as a poor woman, she had become used to. And the vain, headstrong young woman was mortified when she realized the enormity of never seeing her own visage again. She never became hateful towards Bonaparte, and never wished him wrong. But by the time the War for Florida was won, she had struck out on her own and had no particular interest in maintaining ties to her sire. Just as she wouldn't let her circumstances as a mortal hold her back, she was determined to succeed without help.

Jasmine mostly laid low during the 2030's, evading the Blood Hunts that rocked the city for the decade. She similarly struggled to hold things together in the 2040's with advancements in technology making her unlife even more difficult. But she struck gold in 2051, when Hurricane Cassidy flooded the city and necessitated a whole new facade for it. With Kindred becoming more accepted, Jasmine reinvented herself as the image of glitz, glamour, and elegance in the city's new nightlife. She sold her Clan's Curse as a draw, a guarantee that she could keep her new friends' secrets and a promise of the utmost discretion of exclusivity. Her beauty was alluring, and the prospect of a mistress, business partner, or co-conspirator who unlived off the grid was appealing for some. Her efforts culminated in 2069, when she purchased and opened the Clair de Lune, a gambling boat which sails on Lake Pontchartrain and promises its guests an exclusive and expensive existence. And now at the top, she and Bonaparte have made their peace and find themselves loosely allied. Together, who knows where the two Lasombra could go in the coming nights.

Notable Traits (Talents, Assets, Merits, etc.):
  • Is one of the most open Vampires in New Orleans, and enjoys celebrity Status in the city
  • Has parlayed her fame into money and influence among the city's upper classes
  • Regarded as one of the most beautiful women in New Orleans, a beauty she'll never lose (Stunning)
  • Never leaves her Haven without her Ghoul Armand, who sees to her technological and cosmetic needs
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Re: Solo Anarchs in New Orleans

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Name: Bailey Spencer
Apparent Age: 18
Years Undead: 37
Clan: Caitiff

Description: Bailey Spencer is one of the youngest Kindred in the Free State, but she's been tied up with the Free State since the moment she was born. Bailey was one of the children of Ines Spencer, the Anarch Austin Spencer's mortal sister. Ines was close to her brother, and followed him to New Orleans when the Free State. Ines would meet and marry Richard Ash and have two children with him. Bailey was the eldest of them, and lived an ordinary middle-class life with her parents and younger brother. Even as a girl, Bailey noticed the oddities surrounding her Uncle Austin and wouldn't accept either his or her mother's attempts to play them off. But her curiosity never consumed her, and Bailey grew up as a decent student and a gifted track runner with a good relationship with her parents. Austin was a far-away relative to her, someone who sent cards and gifts, but little else.

This serene life would come to a sudden and abrupt end in in 2033 during her senior year, when Brother Julian and his Cult of Abimelech attacked the Spencer household along with other targets in blatant and savage Vampiric acts. While Ines was seized, Richard was killed, and Evan escaped, Bailey was killed in her bed by the terrorists. Austin Embraced her to keep her from a Final Death, and after a few weeks to recover Bailey willingly joined the Anarchs to help defend the Free City she had always been on the border of. Her new circumstances and graphic death forced her into the growing slums of the futuristic city being built over top of New Orleans. But with inspiration from her uncle, Bailey refused to simply waste away. Tonight, she leads the Guardians - a smaller gang in the slums of Southside. The Guardians are known to keep good relations with what few charitable operations remain, and its members fashion themselves as defenders of the local community. With Bailey leading them, they've become one of the more permanent small gangs caught between the Dark Carnival and the Big Cats.

Notable Traits (Talents, Assets, Merits, etc.):
  • Is the Clanless childe and biological niece of Austin Spencer, and naturally wields the Disciplines Celerity, Dominate, and Fortitude
  • Makes her Haven in Southside, and is an active player in the gang conflicts and street politics of New Orleans' slums
  • Has made enemies of other gangs in town, and has specifically drawn the ire of the Big Cats and their allies.
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Re: Solo Anarchs in New Orleans

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Name: Beatrice Monet
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Years Undead: 1
Clan: Malkavian

Of all the Camarilla in the city, Beatrice Monet was the best understood. A wealth of information was provided on her after the kidnapping of her Ghoul Skylar. Beatrice is a native of the city, having grown up in New Orleans and attended college in Tulane. Skylar and her social circle tell of a troubled young adulthood. Beatrice entered the nursing program at Tulane after failing to qualify for medical school, and during this time she also started using drugs. She would graduate from the medical program and become a nurse at the University Medical Center. At some point, though, she caught the attention of Oliver Klein and was Embraced as a Malkavian - a childe intended to hunt down Klein's eldest Blood Gabriella Rosario.

Beatrice has been the most forward of the Camarilla invaders and the most direct in her attacks. She introduced herself to the Anarchs by slaying Dr. David Bloom, one of Gabriella's mortal paramours and her connection to the city's hospital system. But she took things further when she killed Charlie Schwartz, Alain's Ghoul and one of the first in the Free City of New Orleans. She spent over a week on the run after until she was apprehended by Gabriella Rosario and taken into custody to await judgment by the free city and Alain Jeannet. When he was brought to her, though, Alain stayed his hand and declined to slay her. With her unlife spared, Beatrice has declared for the Anarchs and remains in New Orleans.

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Re: Solo Anarchs in New Orleans

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Based on descriptions from Skylar

Name: Damien Rocco
Apparent Age: Unknown
Years Undead: 1
Clan: Nosferatu

Like most of the Camarilla's new lackeys in New Orleans, little is known of Damien Rocco. Unlike Juliet, though, his Clan is beyond all doubt. Damien is a Nosferatu who typically hides his horrifying visage behind the powers of the Blood. With his dull supernatural appearance Damien has been able to operate both in the north of the city and Southside. Skylar claims that the Nosferatu primarily concerns himself with peddling drugs stolen from the hospital. Using these drugs and his connections, Damien managed to kill the leader of the Westbank Gang and spread rumors to their neighbors. Damien almost succeeded in sparking a four-way gang war on the eastern side of the Harvey Canal, one which was averted by Catherine and Gabriella and their diplomatic efforts.

Following his failure to start a violent conflict in Southside, Damien seemed to essentially fade away. While the Southside's purge of his Syndicate organization destroyed his agents, Damien was never accounted for. And nobody is willing to assume that a missing Nosferatu has met their Final Death. Damien was able to hide in Southside until he was lured out by Alain and Austin. In exchange for his unlife, Damien has declared for the Anarchs and now aids them against the Sword and the Tower both.

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Re: Solo Anarchs in New Orleans

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Name: Sophia "Morgane" Anderson
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Years Undead: 1
Clan: Tremere

Sophia's unfortunate life began in an unlikely manner, with her birth to the wealthy New Orleans Anderson family. Despite her privileged upbringing Sophia knew few happy days. Unlike her older brother, who obeyed their father, Sophia was uninterested in both the family business and Roger's obsession with Vampires. She tried to avoid her family's attention. Sophia quietly went through school and attended Tulane University in the hopes of getting a degree and leaving town. But ignoring her family would be a lethal mistake for the young woman. Unbeknownst to her, her brother Marcus had been given over to the Camarilla. She only found out when she was kidnapped as an offering to one of the new Tremere he intended to bring into the night. Were it not for the blood of Catherine Chevalier, Sophia would not have woken up from her first death.

Now among the Anarchs, Sophia has retreated from her life of wealth and splendor. The young Kindred left her family's legacy behind. She has instead taken up as a new Angel of Perdition. Going by the stage name Morgane, Sophia has begun to build a network of influence in the shadow of her sire. It seems to be the intention of both sire and childe that Morgane surpass her mentor Belle as the nights wear on for her. The Embrace would prove to be a second chance for Sophia. It is not one she intends to squander.

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Alex - Your Friendly Neighborhood Storyteller
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