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Conquered Enemies

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Name: Edward Fontaine
Apparent Age: Mid-30's
Years Undead: ~150
Clan: Gangrel
Title: Deputy to the Sheriff

While many Kindred came from the east at Prince Alderidge's call to the Domain, Edward was the only one to come from the west. The Gangrel was Embraced by a sire he never met in the waning nights of the Wild West, and put through the ultimate Accounting. His sire stalked behind him as the young vampire fled from death, fighting or failing on his own accord. It was only then, after the childe had proven he could survive, that the same sire revealed himself to Edward and brought him into the Camarilla. What, precisely, he and his sire were doing in the wastes is a mystery to the damned, but whatever it was won them both great Standing in the Camarilla and saw Edward arrive as a hero to those Kindred In the Know. Edward's title as a "Deputy" downplays just how vital his work has been to the Domain - and how frustrating he's been to the Anarchs. While Thad Throwdown is good for picking fights and Victor the Rat frustrates their conspiracies, Edward fits the mold of a happy warrior who prevents them from being able to recruit. He's one of Houston's greatest warriors and propagandists, delighting generations of new childer to toe the line with the promise that they could be rewarded just as he has. And by the time they figure out the lie, it's much too late to get out from under it. When the time for talk ends, though, Edward is more than capable of rending Sabbat and Anarchs alike with his claws. He doesn't seem to bare any particular enmity for the Anarchs, but some in the Movement snicker that this Gangrel may very well believe his own lies about the benevolence of the Camarilla.

If Edward Fontaine ever did believe that the Camarilla was the beacon of nobility and chivalry he claimed, his very last moments unalive proved him wrong. Edward was present with Henry Mitchell at the ambush laid for Baron Richard by Robin St. Claire. What the Camarilla believed would be a coup against the Anarchs turned into an ambush within an ambush. The Sabbat of New Orleans - thought dead by both the Movement and the Camarilla - descended upon the Camarilla, and Edward was left to fend for himself. He would die in his famous silver wolf form, burned from the inside by a molotov cocktail grafted in his innards by Alexis Delacroix.
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Re: Conquered Enemies

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Name: Thaddeus "Thad" Throwdown
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Years Undead: ~35
Clan: Brujah
Title: Scourge of Houston

In most Domains, a Kindred as young as Thaddeus Rucker could never hope to attain even the lowest office at the Court. But the Sabbat's offensive in the 90's called for desperate measures. And despite his youth even then, Thaddeus "Throwdown" was one of the Domain's most capable warriors. Thad's power wasn't just in his fists - although it was definitely there - but in his capacity for moving mortals to do the Kindred's bidding for them. Thad's sire Chuck chose him for the chaos he was capable of, believing that he could beat the various "rabble" of Houston at their own game. And in many ways, that prediction came true. Before he took up the post of Scourge, Thad had proven himself in battle against the Sabbat's Packs and had claimed the fangs of many a Tzimisce and Lasombra who had tried to infest Prince Alderidge's Domain. His position as Scourge came less to enable him to fight the Sabbat and more as a reward for it, giving him free writ to pick fights to his liking. And Thad has chosen the Anarchs as his most frequent targets. As Fontaine predicted, Thaddeus has proven capable of undermining Anarch resources in their Grant in Beaumont and in challenging them physically when they step a single toe out of line. He seems to relish the cries of "traitor" that thunder from Anarch Brujah when he puts them in their place. Cries he no doubt sees as paving his way to higher office and more victims in due time. Cries that still sound in New Orleans, as Thad has joined Prince Henry Mitchell so that he can finish the job he started and make his name in a Domain with more opportunities for a promising, young Kindred.

Thaddeus wouldn't finish the job, though. The job would finish him. Thad, like Henry, believed the Anarchs had been slain when he showed up at the Cajun Twilight Ball. But when he responded to the screams of Oliver Klein in the Antiquities Hall, he found himself staring into the face of a mortal he had killed just over a week before. Thad fought to exhaustion and starvation, and was eventually brought down by his childe Vivian Black, his mortal victim Catherine Chevalier, and his favorite punching bag Austin Spencer. Thad would be tried like the rest of the captive Kindred, and the sun brought an end to the nights of terror he inflicted on the Anarch Movement
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Re: Conquered Enemies

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Name: Henry Mitchell
Apparent Age: Mid-40's
Years Undead: Unknown
Clan: Malkavian
Title: Prince of New Orleans

As if often the case with the childer of Malkav, nobody quite knows what Henry's game is. Nobody even quite knows where he's from. Rumors abound, with some tales claiming that Henry is an Elder or an Archon even as others say he is a youngling escaped from the Sabbat masquerading on energy of the souls he's claimed. While these rumors have wildly different conclusions, they all have a common element. At their core, all assessments of Henry assume he comes from some background of cruelty and viciousness. Henry was welcomed to the Court of Houston in the 1970's, and His Grace immediately took a liking to the mad Kindred and his potential for brutality. While not imposing himself, Henry has been willing to use the Kine in ways that even some at Court whisper goes beyond the boundaries of good taste. And that is to say nothing of his willingness to cast aspersions of his fellows at Court. Henry might be unpopular among the damned in Houston, were he not so often vindicated in his persecutions, whether they be scandalous or treasonous in nature. Henry famously saw his predecessor, James Pavlov of Clan Brujah, outed as a Sabbat agent and burned before the whole of Court for his crimes against the Sect in 1995. For discovering the traitor in their midst, Henry was rewarded with the title vacated by the late Pavlov. Henry's rise made official his position as His Grace's right hand, and allowed Henry to more aggressively pursue another interest of his - stamping out the Anarch Movement. Henry has made no secret of his belief that the Anarchs are a fifth column at best and a pool of recruits for the Sabbat at worst. Even with the end of the Sect, Henry has maintained his position against the Movement. And once again he's found his viciousness validated, now by the Sect itself as the Convention of Prague. If there is a soft spot in Henry's heart, it's for his childe Luma - the light in his night, to hear him tell it.

Luma's education has not suffered, even as Henry's star has risen. With the failure of Arthur Beauregard to claim Praxis in New Orleans and the Fall of New York, Henry was proclaimed Prince of the Crescent City by the Kindred of Houston. But he didn't claim it for himself until he had murdered Baron Richard Dupuis in cold Blood. Henry claimed he would rule New Orleans for the rest of time, but he scarcely held the city for a single night. Despite his claims that the city had been rid of Anarchs and Sabbat, Henry's childe Luma betrayed him to the Anarch Movement and allowed Gabriella Rosario to tear the would-be Prince limb from limb in the grand hall of his own Cajun Twilight Ball.
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Re: Conquered Enemies

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Name: Sid Martin
Apparent Age: Early 30's
Years Undead: ~5
Clan: Brujah
Title: Deputy to the Scourge

On the surface, Sid Martin is uninteresting. Uninteresting as a man, uninteresting as a Vampire, and uninteresting as a Brujah. Sid was born in Baton Rouge to a poor family, and found solace from the struggles of poverty in music. He and his hooligan buddies became enthralled with the local grunge scene early in their lives, and over time managed to acquire (steal) instruments to start their own band. Sid and his band - Wag the Dog - never achieved any real fame. The most they ever did was scrounge enough money together to move to New Orleans for better gigs. They played musty dive bars and as opening acts to the more talented local bands, but both of those venues gave them ample opportunity to cause trouble and start fights. That's how Thaddeus Rucker found the young man, and why he brought him into the night. If this had all taken place in Houston, Sid would be a name without a face. But Sid was Embraced in New Orleans - while the Anarchs were besieging the city and after they had been promised it. There was never truly any question of the Camarilla's intention to betray the Camarilla, but that doesn't make betrayal sting any less. Sid has been seen once, helping Thad and two other Brujah thugs destroy Sheldon Carter's shop and murder his mortal employee - now fellow Anarch - Catherine Chevalier in cold Blood. He would come to regret it when the Anarchs stormed the Cajun Twilight Ball, murdered his sire, and drove his grandsire from the event. For all his bravado, Sid was slain by the Anarchs as he groveled for his unlife.
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Re: Conquered Enemies

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Name: Devon Champlaigne
Apparent Age: Mid-20's
Years Undead: ~750
Clan: Toreador
Title: Primogen to Prince Alderidge

Looks are always deceiving when it comes to the Kindred, but for Devon Champlaigne they're more deceiving than most. Devon looks to be a very young man, but is one of the most ancient Kindred in the Domain. Devon walked his first nights before the Black Death that ravaged Europe, and came of age among the damned as the Inquisition and the First Anarch Revolt swept undead society. These catastrophes weeded out the incompetent young at the time, and Devon's survival owed entirely to his own cunning. Devon would sit at Court in Paris for centuries, never holding a formal title - the city's ancient Toreador considered him pleasant, but far too young - but remained well-regarded among his betters. The Elder left his home relatively recently, fleeing Paris ahead of the Nazi invasions. But the Kindred of Houston speculate as to if this was the reason, or simply an excuse. For while Devon was a small fish in the ocean of Paris' immortal Court, he may perhaps be the most powerful Elder in all of Houston. While Prince Alderidge rules in his own right, it is well known that he owes much of his continued rule to the approval of Primogen Champlaigne. Together with his wife, the Lady Evelyn Courtenay, Devon and his beloved are owed enough favors in the Domain to dictate the rhythm of the night at Elysium. And Champlaigne's insistence is almost certainly a part of the Domain's hardline stance on Anarchs, as the Elder has made his antipathy for the "brutes" who nearly drove him from the city in the French Revolution known. Wherever the Domain makes moves, against the Anarchs or against each other, one need not look far to see Devon pulling the strings.

Those strings would bring Devon to New Orleans to support Henry Mitchell's claim to Praxis - and supervise the expulsion of the Anarchs. Devon was planning to leave for Houston the night after the Domain's inaugural Cajun Twilight Ball, only to be one of the Kindred swept up in the Anarchs' attack on Elysium. Devon engaged in single combat and even defeated the former Sabbat warrior Alexis Delacroix. But as he was poised to land the killing blow, the weakened Toreador was set upon by the Anarchs. Damaged by Alexis, deprived of his Blood by the warlock Sheldon Carter, and finally staked by Alain Jeannet, Devon was staked and left for the sun after his trial. His ashes now rest in the hands of his widow, Lady Courtenay, and his sword with Bonaparte Desrosiers. For all his cunning and plotting, neither of those things could save the Elder Toreador from the fires of the Third Anarch Revolt.
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Re: Conquered Enemies

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Name: Juliet Carlisle-Hastings
Apparent Age: Mid-30's
Clan: Toreador
Faction: Camarilla
Title: Serjeant for New Orleans

Little is known about Juliet Carlisle-Hastings among the Anarchs of New Orleans. She seems to be a new arrival to the city, having only popped up in its upper echelons and high society circles in recent months. What is known is that she has proven herself a lethal foe. According to the captive Camarilla Ghoul Skylar, Juliet is the Serjeant of New Orleans. She's essentially been granted the power of a Prince in the city with the sole purpose of bringing down the Anarchs. The Rabble have encountered this powerful Vampire once, when she confronted and supposedly Dominated Bonaparte Desrosiers.

Juliet orchestrated chaos in the Free City, but was brought down by the one thing she didn't expect. Shortly after seizing the Anarchs' influence in the city's medical system and ordering the death of Charlie Schwartz, Juliet was directly confronted by Bonaparte Desrosiers, Gabriella Rosario, and Catherine Chevalier. While her Presence held them off for some time, the three eventually succeeded in slaying her on Bourbon Street.
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Re: Conquered Enemies

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Name: Marcus Anderson, "Pater Domus"
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Clan: Tremere
Faction: Camarilla

The most mysterious of the Camarilla invaders under the command of Juliet Carlisle-Hastings was the Pater Domus. Precious little was known about this figure initially, only the shadowy tendrils of his influence. The Pater Domus was the patron figure of Tulane's Willworkers campus club - a group of ambitious young men who seek power through community and the occult. The Pater Domus was known to both grant requests by members and make some of his own. The only member with direct access to him was the group's leader Trey, and even he didn't seem to know much about who the Pater Domus was. The primary evidence of his Clan was a Warding Circle found at the apartment of Skylar and Beatrice Monet.

It was the Pater Domus who struck back after the Anarchs kidnapped Beatrice's Ghoul Skylar. He enthralled an associate of Catherine Chevalier, turning her against the Tremere and her friends in an attack on Catherine's university influence. But these actions and the work of the Anarchs led to the unmasking of his identity. The Pater Domus was Marcus Anderson, the son of the Anarchs' longtime enemy Roger Anderson. He had been havening in his frathouse to build a cult around himself, and after the death of Juliet Carlisle-Hastings seemed to have have taken over the Camarilla's operations. He had planned to Embrace a whole new generation of Camarilla Tremere in the city, taking the best and brightest from the Willworkers to serve him forever. But his mass Embrace was stopped by Bonaparte, Catherine, and Gabriella - the lattermost of whom tore the Tremere apart as he screamed for mercy.

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Re: Conquered Enemies

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Name: Kaito Fujimori
Apparent Age: Early 30's
Years Undead: ~100
Clan: Malkavian
Title: Unknown

Kaito Fujimori is one of the few Camarilla the Anarchs might have heard about on the streets of Houston's Limits. Despite the insular nature of gang territory in the slums, Kaito's rather unique background garners interest beyond the boundaries of his patron gang's turf. The details of Kaito's past aren't known to the ghettos - Clover told the Anarchs that he was Embraced in the 60's. She knows little about the circumstances of that Embrace or the decades Kaito unlived before she met him. But she knows why he's famous. Kaito claims to hear from gods of some kind and to speak with them, claiming an authority from heaven itself. He's known on the streets as Kami no chanera, and not everyone thinks him a con artist or a madman. Enough people believe him - or have been brainwashed by him - to have allowed him to pull together the Keith-Weiss gang under the patronage of Rodney Colombo's Aldine Families.

With the sudden shift in power and the death of Theodore Bronson, the Anarchs don't know the status of Fujimori. Clover claims that Fujimori was a trusted lieutenant of Colombo's - enough so that he was sent to claim the Fairbanks Gang after Bruno's Final Death at the hands of Jag. He was repelled by the mortals of his gang, encouraged on by Alain Jeannet. And after the supply of weapons from Colombo was cut off, Kaito had to abandon his Keith-Weiss Gang and slink back to Colombo alone.

Even alone, though, the Malkavian's ego got the best of him. He was lured into a trap by Austin Spencer, believing he could turn the tables. But he was ultimately captured and interrogated by Austin and Alain and would ultimately be slain.
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Re: Conquered Enemies

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Name: Kyle Parker
Apparent Age: Late 20's
Years Undead: ~90
Clan: Gangrel
Title: Deputy to the Scourge

Kyle Parker was brought into the night in the late 1980's, when he and his whole garage metal band found themselves hit by shovels and buried in shallow graves by the Sabbat of El Paso. Kyle was the only one of his friends to emerge from the ground, and like thousands of shovelheads before him was thrown into the thick of battle. Kyle survived his early nights fighting the Camarilla and Anarchs of Houston. But the Gangrel maintains that even after his vaulderie, he did not give up hope of escape. His opportunity came after the Third Anarch Revolt when the Sabbat collapsed and its members filtered into both sides of the new Sect War. Kyle surrendered himself to the dominant power, joining the Camarilla and quickly finding employ in the service of Conrad Chesterfield and companionship with the Elder Gangrel Jag. He gained a ferocious reputation during that time for utter ruthlessness, aggressively hunting down unauthorized Kindred and especially Caitiff to earn the promised bounties from the Scourge.

Kyle is known to have crossed to the Sabbat with his mentor Jag, but remained in the Camarilla officially to spy. His plans were thwarted, however, when the Anarchs along with Chuck Wilcox tracked him down to his Haven. Kyle was one of the first casualties of the war for the Limits on the Camarilla or Sabbat sides.
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Re: Conquered Enemies

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Name: Victor the Rat
Apparent Age: Unknown
Years Undead: Unknown
Clan: Nosferatu
Title: Sheriff of Houston

The Clan of the Misshapen have always struggled to succeed at attaining titles, with Courts valuing the beauty - or at least conventionality - of their occupants more than the damned would ever exist. While the Nosferatu always plied influence in the shadows, rarely were able to or wanted to wield power publicly. That Victor the Rat ever attained his office, and that he holds it despite the Second Inquisition laying waste to his Clan, speaks to his sheer cunning. Victor claims to take his name from why he died - for being a "rat". For betraying some brand of criminals he ran with in his living days. He claims the Clan found him near death and gave him a second chance to keep his secrets, a chance he's taken to with relish. Victor is known to be quiet, even for a Nosferatu, and rarely speaks directly to anyone outside of Court. At Elysium he declines to conceal his nature, forcing all the prettier Vampires to look upon his true form as they pay him the respect of his position. Victor arrived in Houston soon after Prince Alderidge claimed Praxis, and was the city's first and only Sheriff.

While some rumble as to why His Grace would have made such an "urchin" his first choice, Victor's effectiveness is beyond question. Victor has been the city's foremost guardian of the Masquerade, silencing any who know the truth and expanding to humans who even indirectly threaten the Court. This vigilance extends to the Anarch Movement, which has found itself under near constant surveillance. While Victor insists that it's nothing personal - "just business, kids" - he has succeeded in preventing the Anarchs from branching out, has sabotaged their attempts to gain influence in Houston, and has kept the Tower's grasp on the city firm.

As far as the Anarchs know, Victor is still Sheriff these nights. What little information has come out of Houston, though, indicates a rift between he and the Prince. Victor seems to have fallen on the side of the Seneschal in her dispute with Prince Alderidge, becoming her most prominent ally in these nights. With peace declared between the two, it would seem those divisions have been mended over and Victor has returned to the favor of his Grace. But even Anarchs know Camarilla politics are never so simple. One is left to wonder what Victor the Rat has in mind for the Domain of Houston.

Whatever he had in mind, though, met its end at the hands of the Anarch Movement. Victor was lured into an ambush by Chuck Wilcox, aggrieved that the Nosferatu had bombed he and his childe from the skies in the hopes of slaying Anarchs. Victor was slain at the hands of Alexis De La Croix, Alain Jeannet, and Austin Spencer, executed in the field of battle. His Final Death leaves a gaping hole in the Domain of Houston, one the Anarchs are sure to exploit.
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Re: Conquered Enemies

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Name: Monet Bradley
Apparent Age: Early 30's
Years Undead: ~60
Clan: Brujah

Under different circumstances Monet Bradley would have found her way to the Anarch Movement. The Brujah, Embraced in the 2010's, met with a somewhat common fate for an unauthorized childe. She was dragged to Court to watch her sire be murdered before her eyes. And she was given the choice between greeting the son or offering a Blood Boon to the Prince - a promise to give her unlife if it was asked of her. Monet accepted the Blood Boon, surrendering her autonomy and being allowed to exist on the outskirts of the Domain. In time she came under the sway of the then-rising star Theodore Bronson. Monet's allegiance to the soon-to-be Primogen was sealed when he promised her the expungement of her Blood Boon to support his bid to become the enforcer for the Limits.

In the nights after Bronson's success, Monet hoped for a quick fulfillment of the promise she was made. But as the decades wore on Theodore mentioned the matter less and less. What happened between then and now is unclear, but the Camarilla defectors believe that she must have betrayed her Sect to the new Sabbat. Despite the vampires raging across what was once Theo's territory, Monet's Edgebrook Clan gang remains strong and is working in tandem with the Brujah Kylie Patrick's Golden Boys to capitalize on the end of Bronson and his Gang. The only conclusion the Camarilla defectors can reach is that Monet Bradley defected to the Sabbat, freeing herself of her Blood Boon and perhaps even betraying her Priomogen to the fangs of the new Sabbat. Her time in the Sword was short, though, as a joint effort between Chuck Wilcox and the Anarchs saw her slain in her own territory - plunging the Sabbat's holdings into chaos.

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Name: Kylie Patrick
Apparent Age: Late 20's
Years Undead: ~40
Clan: Brujah

Kylie Patrick was Embraced into the "royalty" of the Limits, brought into the night by the Primogen Theodore Bronson himself only a few years before his rise to power. Kylie was by her sire's side as he overtook the Pasadena Boys and engineered William LuPone's downfall as the Limits' Court-endorsed enforcer. For her loyalty Kylie was given control of the Golden Boys - one of the longest-running gangs working under Theodore's own Pasadena Boys - and more power over their operation.

The Camarilla defectors have no idea why Kylie might have defected to the Sabbat, but the survival of the Golden Boys and their cooperation with the Edgebrook Clan in attempting to take over Theodore's former territory hint that she may have joined Monet Bradley in her rebellion. If so, Kylie retains access to many of Bronson's contacts and could leverage his assets against the Camarilla and the Anarch Movement in the coming nights. Those assets, though, were not enough to save her from Final Death at the hands of Chuck Wilcox and the Anarchs.

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Re: Conquered Enemies

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Name: Jag
Apparent Age: Late 40's
Years Undead: > 200
Clan: Gangrel

Despite his age, Jag's name was not one often spoken at Court. The Elder Gangrel had called the wilds of Texas his home since it was a province of Mexico - and perhaps even since Mexico was a Spanish holding and before it was overtaken entirely by the Sabbat. Jag has never felt it necessary to elaborate on how old he truly is. The bestial Gangrel is a Kindred of few words. He was one of the earliest Camarilla arrival in Houston. In deference to his age Jag was granted the territory which would come to be known as the Blood Acres and opened it to all Gangrel to cultivate. And just as Houston grew, the Blood Acres became overgrown as Jag turned it into his own paradise.

In recent nights, though, Jag was drawn into politics. Clover says that he had begun to associate with Rodney Colombo out of anger at Bruno King, a "lesser creature" he saw as trying to usurp him as "pack leader" through trickery and deceit. Colombo had agreed to suborn Bruno, but the impatient Jag received a better offer sooner. On the night the Sabbat launched its attack on Theodore Bronson, Jag took his own pack of Ghoul Wolves into the Fairbanks Gang's territory and claimed Bruno King's soul. In doing so he announced his allegiance to the Sabbat, and seems poised to tear a swathe through whatever stands in the Cult's way.

He met his match, however, at the claws of Alexis Delacroix. The Tzimisce gores him on the field of battle, causing the last pockets of the Sabbat to fall apart under him.

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Name: Rodney Colombo
Apparent Age: Late 30's
Years Undead: ~100
Clan: Ventrue
Title: Unknown

Rodney Colombo is an odd Camarilla Kindred in that the Anarchs know more of his past than of his position now. Arthur Beauregard had a good laugh when he heard that Colombo had found his way to the Limits of Houston. According to the Arthur, Rodney had been a mediocre Ventrue from a mediocre line. He was one more mook in a dynasty that ran organized crime rings up and down the Mississippi. One images Rodney wound up in the Limits as organized crime collapsed in the mid-century of the 2000's. This would have left him with no territory and no claim to power, with little choice but to abandon the city and try to build a new empire in the Limits. That empire's basis was the Aldine Family, perhaps the second-most powerful gang in the limits next to Primogen Theodore Bronson's Pasadena Boys. Camarilla defectors who knew Colombo said he fumed at his status, resenting Theodore and plotting to crawl over his corpse back to Court.

With Theodore's Final Death it seems likely that Colombo's star has risen in the city. He is the final Camarilla gang lord to have survived the April Insurrection, and in the process seems to have effectively taken charge of the slain Bruno King's Fairbanks Gang. Colombo was later found to have been promoted to the title of Primogen, but not for long. His term was cut short after a series of embarrassing defeats. Alain Jeannet and Austin Spencer would eventually flush him out of his compound, handing him over to the new Anarchs of Houston to be burned unalive for his crimes against them.
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