The Growing Flames

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The Growing Flames

Post by Krispy »

[OOC: This takes place the night after the raid on the Flesh Cathedral. I’ve been stupidly busy which has lead to a delay in it going live.]

The night to recuperate did Alexis well. While she never would have let her underlings or other Cainites see it, the poor desk in her office bore witness to her rage after the partial victory against the Sword… Not a failure, by any means, denying the Sabbat use of their gang, destroying their flesh cathedral, stealing their… drugs? But still… their target got away. Sheldon was beaten to an inch of second Death. Alexis herself limped away from the encounter.

But tonight Alexis would have better than cheap particleboard to take out her rage on. Tonight, the Camarilla would bear witness to her rage… at least the poor saps the Camarilla left out to die in the Limits.

She glanced briefly to Clover
- she was always wary around New Malkavians but Grace seemed to trust her implicitly - “You’re sure that Xavier is there? At this dive celebrating his ‘Promotion’?”

And when the Malkavian nodded, she just gave a nod in return. Dumb, but… typically Camarilla. Celebrating the death of the Cainite above you on the food chain for the power it gives, ignoring that the flames that consumed him are now lapping at your feet. But good… Alexis had some shit to work through.

She glanced around to the other three women.
“Alright. Lets keep this simple. We take out his perimeter guards. Quietly. Then we go in for the son of a bitch. Each of us goes in through a different exit. Grace, you get the front door. Everyone else, take a chain. Lock the exit you go through so he can’t celerity around us and escape. We converge on him, cut him down, and escape. Understood? Any questions, suggestions?”

Alexis glanced to the other women, and finally allowed herself a smile. A little bit of cross-talk, a couple of minor tweaks to the plan, and they were ready.

About ten minutes later, the station wagon that they had swiped had reached the dive bar’s parking lot. It was a small converted warehouse in the middle of an old industrial park… just like a lot of the places around the limits. Alexis jumped out the back, her black jacket and jeans helping her blend into the night. And her utterly generic throwaway face concealing her identity - if not fully her nature.

She stalked silently down the side alleyway, rounding the corner and then she saw her first targets. Two humans… the blood will be nice. She was still hungry from the night before. The predator slunk close, before tossing a rock off to the side to distract the guards. And as soon as they turned their head, Alexis charged ahead, fangs first into the neck of the nearer guard. Hand over the mouth. Actually over the fucking mouth this time. And then the claws come out, slashing the poor son of a bitch’s throat. Quick. Clean. Efficient. Just the way Alexis liked it

The second guard turned, and for a moment predator and prey’s eyes met. And then the man threw his hands up in the air his hands in the air.
“Shit” He whispered “Xavier don’t pay me enough for this.” He took a couple tentative steps back, as Alexis dropped the body of the first guard to the side.

“Forget what happened here. You didn’t see anything. If I hear you’ve whispered a word of this to anyone I will hunt you down and I will kill you. Painfully. Got it?”

“Yes, shit, yes, whatever you say, yes. I’m… I don’t know nothing. I’m gonna… go?”

“Hand over your phone. Now.” Alexis whispered back

The guard handed it over, and Alexis gave the man a curt nod, and a shooing motion. She watched the poor mortal flee for a moment - he wasn’t the target. She was here for Camarilla… and this one didn’t know anything worth knowing. Let him go. She turned to the door, letting herself into the back of the dingy dive. And per the plan, she chained the door shut behind her.

The smell of cheap beer, cheaper liquor, and desperation hung in the air as Alexis passed through the exit, past the restrooms, and into the bar. By this point in the night there were just a few drunks left outside of Xavier’s party… and Xavier’s party was by and large wasted and half passed out.

Both Alexis and Xavier saw Ember charge in from the other fire exit at the same time - the Camarilla Brujah yelling “Bitch you made a mistake coming here.” The Campire jumped to his feet to charge at the offending Lasombra, even getting in a mighty punch… but with his tunnel vision he failed to see Alexis and Grace converging from the flanks.

Which was exactly the opportunity Alexis was hoping for - she snuck up behind the Brujah and plunged her claws into his back - as the mortals around them who had the wherewithal to flee ran. “No, I’m afraid it was you who made the mistake. A party right after the deaths of Theo and Bruno… you really are shameless.”

Xavier snarled. “Fuck you. Bitches.” he said, as he struggled against the hold, very nearly throwing Alexis clear - but with Grace grabbing hold and Clover emerging from the shadows the three Cainites were able to wrestle Xavier under control.

Alexis finally glanced up to Ember.
“He’s your prisoner. How do you want to do this?” She asked with a grin. This… was a good night.
Alexis Delacroix
Resident Murderbot
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