Houston Anarchs

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Houston Anarchs

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Since the formation of the Domain in Houston in the mid-1900's the city has been a pillar of Camarilla power in the region. Through the Sabbat's conquest of Mexico and forays into Texas, the East Coast Siege, the Third Anarch Revolt, and the fall of the Masquerade. But as the dust settles on the end of the damned's ruse to hide from humanity, cracks have begun to form in the foundation of this once-impregnable Domain. Alexis Delacroix has proclaimed the Free State of Houston to the night, and its new members - former Camarilla who threw off the chains of their Elders - are ready to fight to take the whole of the city for themselves. They are the newest Anarchs, but Houston's future may very well be on their shoulders.
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Re: Houston Anarchs

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Name: Cleopatra "Cleo" Reynard
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Years Undead: ~30
Clan: Toreador
Gang: Fatales

Cleopatra Reynard had a life that most mortals would have envied. She was the daughter of a wealthy family, largely left to her own devices and allowed to enjoy a lifestyle of travel, influencing, and other creature comforts of the digital age. The world seemed wide open to a young, beautiful woman - but the Camarilla had other plans. Seeking influence with her family, Houston's Herald Alistair Baron received permission to bring her into unlife. Alistair had planned for the young socialite to bring him honor and perhaps even serve as one of his Harpies. But shortly after the conclusion of her Accounting she disgraced herself before the whole of the Court. As she tells it, Cleo was provoked into Frenzy before the whole of the Domain. And to save his own Standing, Alistair banished her from his Domain and worked with the Keeper to bar her from Elysium. Exiled from the Court, Cleo had no option left but the Limits.

In the slums of Houston, Cleo got by with her social graces, her beauty, and at times her body. She had a reputation as a lech among the damned, sleeping with Kindred and mortal alike. What actual work she did was as a courier, transporting information and materials between the power players in the Limits. Cleo eventually picked the wrong hunting spot, though, and found a night of feeding at Club Halo interrupted by Alexis Delacroix. Cleo initially accepted captivity by Alexis in exchange for her unlife. She would remain at the club and advise Alexis on what she knew of the Camarilla with the possibility of an eventual return. But over the weeks, that subservience turned into genuine support for a Sect of Vampires that valued her as an equal member and promised her revenge on the Herald who had taken her life from her. With a Free State of Houston established Cleo has been allowed to leave Alexis' care, joining up with her friend Grace and the Lasombra Ember to form Houston's first native Gang - the Fatales.

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Chloe Rinaldi - Cleo's Mask, known by her stage name "Ferrari"
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Re: Houston Anarchs

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Name: Grace Ricardo
Apparent Age: Late 20's
Years Undead: ~20
Clan: Brujah
Gang: Fatales

Grace could hardly be a more stereotypical Brujah unliving at the edge of Camarilla society. She was Embraced by a sire who long since met the sun, given just enough training to pass muster by the Prince and turned loose upon the city to find her own way. In life Grace had been a singer in a garage metal band that played the worst bars in the growing Limits. Her boldness was what had driven her sire to her, and allowed her to punch well above her weight class in the night. Despite her youth, Grace shocked the Limit-dwelling Camarilla by unseating her Elder William LuPone from his perch above the powerful Midwest Crew. While she had a lot of help from LuPone's own childe Theo, that help would not have come had she not been able to play the Jyhad that rages even in the most desperate slums.

Despite this relative position of prestige, though, Grace was well aware that she was a queen of convenience to her allies. She was still barred from crossing the 610, prohibited from decent hunting grounds and living conditions. And she knew that one night she would stop being useful to Bronson. So when the chance to free herself from the system came, she took it. Grace struck a deal with Alexis Delacroix to rebel from the Camarilla, slaying William LuPone and taking her own allies with her into the Movement. She leads the new Fatales Gang, composed of herself and her allies Cleopatra and Ember, and is likely the most powerful Anarch in the Houston Free State's early nights.

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Re: Houston Anarchs

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Name: Ember Raze
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Years Undead: ~10
Clan: Lasombra
Gang: Fatales

Ember's life and unlife didn't begin in Houston, but rather on the outskirts of Chicago. Ember is too young to have known a world where the Kindred were not a simple fact of life. She lived among them growing up in the blighted south side of Chicago, and one eventually claimed her for the night. For political reasons over her head, Ember was shipped off to Houston. A favor Lady Courtenay owed to the sire of her sire secured her recognition as a member of the Camarilla, but she was not granted any Domain. Without feeding rights she was cast out of the towers and lights of Houston into slums not unlike the ones she grew up in. And while she wasn't pleased to return to poverty, she fit right into the nightly intrigues of the Limits.

Ember rankled her Elders in how she managed her Brunswick Boys gang, choosing to actively lead it as the Kindred did when she still drew breath. While she courted danger by treading the line of the Masquerade, her own fearsome abilities led her gang to develop a similarly fearsome reputation. Unwilling to accept "her place", Ember almost immediately went to war with her local overlord - the Brujah Xavier and his South Acres Gang. The conflict became a proxy in a larger conflict between the power players of the Limits. But the arrival of the Anarch Movement allowed the young Lasombra to flip the table. With Grace's encouragement and help from Alexis' Delacroix, Ember launched a lightning strike in the chaos following the Final Death of the Primogen Theo Bronson and the outbreak of Sabbat in the Limits. Ember, Alexis, and Grace were able to destroy Xavier and shatter his gang, leaving Ember the unchallenged leader of the gangs in the south of the Limits. Free of the Camarilla, Ember joined her friend Grace and ally Cleopatra in forming the first Gang in the Houston Free State.

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Re: Houston Anarchs

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Name: Clover Johnson
Apparent Age: Mid-20's
Years Undead: ~15
Clan: Malkavian
Gang: None

Clover isn't one to talk about her mortal life, or her death for that matter. What she has indicated is that she's a somewhat recent Embrace, having been brought into the night about 15 years ago by a sire she can hardly remember. Clover is a native of the Limits, though, and was plucked from them by her mysterious sire. During her earliest nights with her sire inside of the 610 they came to deem her as too dysfunctional to actually succeed in her Accounting. The Malkavian childe claimed to hear the voices of those she fed on, voices that drove her to erratic and dangerous actions. Clover was given a choice to either face the judgment of the Prince as to her readiness to serve the sect - a judgment which would almost certainly end in her Final Death - or accept exile to the Limits. Fearful of meeting her fate, Clover fled the city and found her way into its miserable slums. For a time she resided with her family. But the Curses of Caine and Malkav eventually drover her to the streets where she resides tonight.

For the last decade Clover has mostly shunned other Vampires, seeking work only when she was in desperate need of Blood or money. This work brought her nominally into the circle of the Ventrue Colombo. The Blue Blood used her as a personal courier and a scout, putting her in dangerous situations that he would have rather avoided to gain an edge on his rivals. Things changed when Grace Ricardo welcomed Clover into her own territory. That offer would eventually lead the Malkavian to the Anarch Movement. She was one of the young Camarilla who abandoned the Camarilla after striking a deal with Alexis Delacroix. While she remains mostly reclusive and has shunned joining a Gang, she has committed herself to aiding the Anarchs in liberating Houston from her tormenters.

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Alex - Your Friendly Neighborhood Storyteller
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