The Bachelorettes

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The Bachelorettes

Post by Alex »

As decades of tension between Anarch New Orleans and Camarilla Houston have begun to boil over into open hostility, the Anarchs have looked more and more to the edges of their city. The Camarilla's initial advance into the city met with defeat. But to many in the Free City, it was a wake-up call that the war was coming to their city. Perhaps owning to her first nights under her martially-minded sire, Alicia Fairchild volunteered to lead efforts to solidify the western edge of New Orleans. She found allies in Michelle DuBois, the Embraced childe of Catherine Chevalier, and perhaps most surprisingly the reclusive Luma Romano. The three have committed themselves to strengthening the Free City's frontier - and perhaps have a bit of fun in the process.
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Re: The Bachelorettes

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Name: Alicia Fairchild
Apparent Age: Late 30's
Years Undead: 50
Clan: Tzimisce

Description: Alicia looks good for a woman Embraced in her 50's, but the mortal life that came before her undeath was an unusual once. Alicia was born to two Northern transplants from New York, well-to-do older people who could pay to indulge her interests. From a young age, Alicia had a passion for dance and specifically ballet. While many young mortal girls - and no few boys - go through a ballet phase in early childhood, Alicia wasn't interested in frilly tutus and shoes. She was interested in Baryshnikov and Fonteyn and the feelings and drama their dances evoked. By her teen years, Alicia was a star. She even had the privilege of trying out for the US National Olympic Ballet Team at one point, though she barely missed the cut. That alone made her one of the best in her art in the country, and certainly in a place like Florida. Alicia enjoyed a relatively normal life save for her profession - she was married and had given birth to two children, both of whom she loved a great deal. She loved them, at least, until a Toreador in Tampa forced a new love on her - the love of the Blood Bond. Alicia was one of several ballerinas enthralled by Contessa Maria Blanco, a Camarilla ancilla looking to make her name by assisting in the reconquest of Tampa from the Sabbat. While most of her thralls were enslaved using Presence, Alicia was her favorite and received the "gift" of her Regnant's Blood. Under the strain of the Blood Bond, Alicia's personal life collapsed. Dancing was all that was left to her until the city to the Anarch Movement in the 2020's. The ballerina was so far gone by the time her theater was ransacked by Alexis Delacroix that she didn't bother to fight back. She simply stared at the hideous Zulo until it spoke to her, and offered her a different kind of death. That night, Alicia became part of the Anarch Movement.

Alicia spent most of the next decade on the road with Alexis, learning the arts of survival and combat as well as the tenets of Noddism. While Alicia was sharp and capable, she never quite embraced her Sire's fervent devotion to combat or Caine. She was loyal to Alexis, though - a loyalty reinforced when her sire rescued her from the Cult of Abimelek and Behemoth after her kidnapping during the Night of Blood. Freed from the Post-Sabbat, Alicia continued her work in the city furthering her own information network and stepping in as a representative of her sire as needed. As the war with Houston begins to turn hot, though, Alicia is taking greater initiative these nights. Most notably, Alicia is considered to be the leader of the Free City's newest Gang - the Bachelorettes. These Kindred focus on securing the streets and towers of Westside against Camarilla incursion. And with Alicia as its most battle-hardened member, she will likely be paramount to their success and that of the Anarch Movement in the Crescent City.

Notable Traits (Talents, Assets, Merits, etc.):
  • Is a well-respected member of the Movement, though not exceptionally influential (Status 2)
  • Maintains a fake identity as a corporate consultant, and has been known to create temporary ID's for other Anarchs (Mask 2, Cobbler)
  • Keeps a variety of corporate contacts, and can speak for the Movement when necessary (Contacts 3)
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Re: The Bachelorettes

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Name: Michelle DuBois
Apparent Age: 20
Years Undead: <1 Year
Clan: Tremere

Description: Michelle has been a part of the Free State of New Orleans for far longer than she has been a Vampire. In life she was best friends with the mortal, and then immortal, Catherine Chevalier. Their mundane friendship ended during the Blood Hunts, when Michelle's husband Roger Anderson convinced her that Catherine was a Vampire. When confronted, Catherine panicked and fed her friend her Blood. Now Catherine's loyal Ghoul, Catherine became her face in public as her Circle grew. Michelle would serve as its CEO for decades, managing its day-to-day operations as it grew. Michelle became an influential woman in her own right, and a prominent figure in the New Orleans social scene from her position. She abruptly gave up that post when the offensive against Houston began, undergoing fleshcrafting into a younger version of herself to assist Austin Spencer and Alexis Delacroix in establishing themselves in the city. Her involvement in Houston was brief, though, as Catherine decided it was time to end her Blood Bond and bestow her the Embrace.

Michelle became Kindred early in 2071, freeing her from the Bond and her servitude to Catherine. Now independent, Michelle and Catherine agreed that she would now preside over the Circle that she had largely built - albeit from the shadows rather than as its visible figurehead. While Michelle seems to bear no ill will towards her sire, she has struck out on her own and fallen in with new friends. Michelle has come together with Alicia Fairchild and Luma Romano to form the Bachelorettes, a new Gang focused on securing and exploiting the businesses and streets of Westside to the advantage of the Movement. This has allowed Michelle to carve out a new identity as a member of the Movement, rather than its slave, and show the Free City that she is a force unto herself.

Notable Traits (Talents, Assets, Merits, etc.):
  • Was granted a youthful, elegant appearance by Fleshcrafting by Alexis Delacroix (Beautiful)
  • Is the ex-wife of Roger Anderson and the mother of his two eldest children - facts that certainly make him an enemy of hers
  • Mostly works in the French Quarter, where she manages the Circle from behind the scenes.
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Re: The Bachelorettes

Post by Alex »


Name: Luma Romano
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Years Undead: 65
Clan: Malkavian

Description: Luma began her unlife in a position both familiar and unusual to the Anarch Movement. Defections from the Camarilla are nothing strange to the Movement, but they usually come from among the outcast and dispossessed. Luma was neither of these. She was brought into the night as the prize childe of then-Seneschal of Houston Henry Mitchell. As a mortal, Luma was an artistic prodigy. She was talented in painting, music, dance, and most notably to the Seneschal, as a singer. While this background would have well-suited her to Embrace as a Toreador, the Seneschal used his clout to bring her into the night as a Malkavian. She remained under his Accounting for over a decade, eventually moving with him to New Orleans when he claimed Praxis over the city as its Prince. It was here that she saw an opportunity to escape. As Henry busied himself with his Cajun Twilight Ball, Luma occupied her time plotting its destruction. She managed to slip the Anarchs information on its location and defenses, allowing the rebels to sack the museum where it was held and slay or drive off the Tower. Standing before the Anarchs, Luma finally struck her sire and bid the Anarchs to slay him.

For the decades following the fall of New Orleans to the Anarchs, Luma mostly retreated from public unlife. The Curse of Malkav afflicted her with a deep aversion to social interaction, and after so long of being forced out into Elysium to perform Luma chose seclusion for a time. She was not absent from the Sect, though. In private, Luma cultivated an image as the mysterious EDM DJ known as Umbra - a figure all-but-confirmed to be a Vampire after the fall of the Masquerade. And her intervention saved the unlife of Austin Spencer during the Night of Blood and the attack by Julian's Cult of Abimelek. And her financial backing assisted Alexis Delacroix in setting up a beachhead for the Anarchs in Houston. With open war with Houston on the horizon, though, Luma has abandoned her seclusion and sought a more active role outside of her penthouse suite. She's abandoned the Hotel Onyx, choosing to relocate her operations to Club Neon. What's more, she's fallen in with a Gang of younger Kindred in Alicia Fairchild and Michelle DuBois. Her connections at Neon and her unique insights will surely help her Clan in the nights and the battles ahead.

Notable Traits (Talents, Assets, Merits, etc.):
  • Is known to the public primarily as Umbra, a mysterious personality in the local electronic music scene (Mask 2, Fame 1)
  • Is one of the wealthiest Kindred in the Free State, having earned a small fortune from her music (Resources 3)
  • Has officially retired as a singer, but still personally performs occasionally for the Anarchs at Rant
Shine Spark (Main Theme)
Out of Body Experience (Umbra Theme)
The Carpal Tunnel Of Love (Action Theme)

The logo for "Umbra"
Alex - Your Friendly Neighborhood Storyteller
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