Belle Visage

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Belle Visage

Post by Alex »


Tonight’s client was a fairly typical young professional, stressed by work and hoping to find some balance in life. The woman had apologized to Catherine for taking up the traiteur’s time with a, in her words, “trivial matter, wanting to look good.” She wanted to look her best, better than she ever had, for a friend's wedding reception, in hopes of drawing attention to herself . But first the client must believe she is worth this uplift , without embarrassment or guilt. While Catherine ground herbs on a small console, she reassured the woman, “Nothing you decide is important is truly trivial, dear. Just as a raindrop is water like a tidal wave, your silliest and most serious thoughts are the same material.” Her voice carried a calm authority, and the client settled down, straightening her back. A sign of confidence, good.

In truth, Catherine thought, this girl did not look bad, only tired; a vacation and self care would do wonders for her long term. But no ambitious woman had time for that now, and Catherine had a reliable ritual for it now, Belle Visage. Done correctly, she will feel every feature of her face and body uplifted, and move forward with charisma even as the direct effects fade. This was one of Catherine’s first vampiric creations, adapted from a simple Tremere ritual deemed too trivial by power obsessed blood wizards. But this trivial ritual spoke to many a woman’s (and some men's) anxieties, and brought the fledgling sorceress repeat clients and reputation. Even in the occult, the best marketing is a satisfied customer.

This was the client’s first full ritual, but not her first discussion with Catherine. As such, she already knew Catherine’s 3 steps: Preparation, Joining and Recall. Preparation was almost complete. It was the hour of Venus, 11pm this Friday. A copper green cloth is laid on the small central table with a short, slender silver blade next to a glass goblet atop it. two chairs side to side behind this setting. Sandalwood incense burns in the corners of the room (lit with an electronic lighter, Catherine has found incense safe so long as open flames are not involved). For this, Catherine has ground charcoal, nebulous matter, with fennel, for Venus. Catherine then takes her powder and sprinkles a circle encompassing most of the room. She then takes the remaining powder, combines it with ground mint, and marks her clients facial features: under the eyes, bridge of the nose, across the cheekbones, guides for greater forces.

Catherine then takes her seat at the right hand of the client; it’s critical she sits besides the woman, the traiteur is but a guide to hold hands in the clients' own journey, and to guide animus Catherine must sit at the right. She then takes a bottle of wine from under the table and unscrews the top. It’s a cheap supermarket red blend, vintage does not matter for the joining and the screw-top comes off quicker. Catherine pours the wine into the glass and then takes the knife in her left hand, putting her right over the glass, fingers outstretched. With a slow movement she punctures her right ring figure, allowing a drop of blood into the goblet. After dabbing her small wound on a napkin, she beckons for the client’s right hand. The woman puts her hand over the glass without hesitation, a slight tremble betrays her nerves. Catherine gently grabs the woman’s palm with the right, stroking lightly to calm. Then with the left hand she repeats the wounding and lets the clients blood drop into the chalice. “With this, I guide you,” Catherine speaks this invocation as both women lift the glass from the table. Catherine leans in to take the first sip, and the client follows.

The two set the glass down and Recall begins. Catherine instructs, “Close your eyes and think of all you can be. Think of your most beautiful form, fix that image in your head.” The woman obliges and nods, and with dramatic pause Catherine puts her hands on the woman’s shoulders. “Think of this form, where was it Avant? Each facet of your beautiful form, where was it Avant? Break each facet off, return it to the dust Avant. Return to the dust, Avant.” The woman repeats each Avant, getting louder each time. The invocation continues, “This dust is us, Avant, it is our form, Avant, Avant” The chanting continues, “Avant, Avant”. Each time quickening, “Avant, Avant” Soon there is barely a pause between the words, “Avant, Avant”.

Then Catherine stops her repetition, the woman continues at the same excited pace, “Avant! Avant!”. Excellent The Recall has reached its zenith, the client sees the Avant. Quickly, Catherine takes the silver knife, slices her own right palm and places the wound on the client’s forehead. And with that, Catherine releases her fangs and moves for her neck, the girl still shouting “Avant! Avant!”

Soon it will wind down. Wiping the clients face with a napkin, Catherine will see the effect and nod, the facial features do appear more defined. The client returns to the material quickly enough on her own time, and Catherine will discuss the ritual, offer some water and instruct the client to take it easy for an hour. But now, Catherine is joined to the woman’s ecstasy. She can taste the blood that creates her, and in it see all possible creation, kine and kindred, separate and together. Visions from the world not yet made, from before. Avant.
Alex - Your Friendly Neighborhood Storyteller
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