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Post by Alex »

The Vanguard Gang began in an unconventional way, as a Sabbat Warpack in the final nights of the doomed sect. Vanguard was first invoked as the Warpack Malignant, led by the Bishop Bonaparte Desrosiers and consisting of himself, the Templar Alexis Delacroix, and Bonaparte's longtime Packmates Julian Parker and Andrew Romanov. The Warpack operated for several years in New Orleans prior to the Third Anarch Revolt, sifting through intelligence and provoking combat between the Anarchs and the Camarilla. They made themselves known on the night when the Baron Richard Dupuis was assassinated at parlay. The Warpack ensured the survival of Richard's gangmates, and after the departure of Julian joined the Anarchs at Baron Richard's memorial. They were rechristened the Vanguard, a nod to their status as some of the first Sabbat to join the Movement, and helped to claim the city from Prince Henry and his new Court.

Owing to its history, the Vanguard Gang stands on war footing. But that doesn't mean its members are all about combat and battle. War is an exhaustive enterprise, and all three members of the Vanguard make it their nights' work. Bonaparte Desrosiers makes war through diplomacy, plying the social scene of New Orleans for information and treating with Anarchs across the Caribbean. Andrew Romanov makes war through supplies, providing weaponry and technology as needed from his base among the Dark Carnival. And Alexis Delacroix maintains the peace in Southside so that she can make war in Houston. The Vanguard is brings to the Movement what one might consider the best of the Sabbat. What these Anarchs once did in the name of Caine, they now do in for the Movement.
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Re: Vanguard

Post by Alex »


Name: Bonaparte Desrosiers
Apparent Age: Late 30s / Early 40s
Actual Age: ~ 185
Clan: Lasombra
Title: Bishop of New Orleans, Butcher of Baton Rouge

A moderately wealthy free black man in New Orleans before the war broke out, Bonaparte was able to survive and thrive in the War Between the States and the subsequent Reconstruction period. His ability to stay afloat despite turbulent mortal times attracted the attention of his sire and master, the Sabbat Archbishop Lord Dalton. Bonaparte and his pack were instrumental in spreading the Lord Dalton’s grip throughout the Bayou after Union troops withdrew from the region, including sparking riots in Baton Rouge that Bonaparte and his pack were able to use to completely wipe out the (admittedly small) Court of Baton Rouge. Like his sire, Bonaparte reveled in his status as a member of the Sword of Caine, embracing- and enforcing- the profane orgiastic rituals of the cult.

Even as the Sabbat were pushed back and numerous Bishops and packs fell to the combined might of the Anarchs and the Tower, Bonaparte continued the fight to hold New Orleans and the surrounding areas, resorting to tactics which threatened the Masquerade and had collateral costs, including setting fire to large parts of Baton Rouge as part of a retreat towards New Orleans proper and continued to throw guerilla-style attacks in Anarch- and Camarilla-held communities with what appeared to be suicidal shovelheads who had been fleshcrafted with bombs or other devices. With the final fall of the Sabbat, Bonaparte and his pack went on the run, staying about in New Orleans as long as they could. But a change had to come- there was no other Sabbat out there that would come to the Bishop's aid. When the conflict between Camarilla and Anarchs kicked off, Bonaparte, along with his packmate Andrew Romanov and the Templar Alexis Delacroix jumped in to help, ending up joining the Anarchs outright in 2020. His former packmate, Julian Parker, fled.

After joining the Anarchs, Bonaparte and the other former Sabbat joined with the Anarchs of New Orleans to attack the Camarilla's Elysium, ultimately driving them out of the city and helping to kill an Elder, Lord Devon Champlaigne (Bonaparte still has his rapier and keeps it shiny and on display). Afterwards, he joined in with his pack-turned-gang to head to Florida to provide assistance to the fledgling Anarch uprisings in Tampa, Orlando, and Jacksonville. Bonaparte helped in this effort by training Anarchs and ex-Sabbat alike in some useful tactics as well as by winning over the assistance of the last Sabbat holdout in Florida- Archbishop (now Archbaron) Mateo Dominguez.

Over the next decades, Bonaparte spent his time between New Orleans and the Anarch cities of Florida. In New Orleans, he Embraced Jasmine Tate in order to build up the city's strength as well as have some initial access to important resources. He also took on a ghoul to help him with technology and his forays into the realms of high society in intelligent but long-suffering Lexi LeBlanc. Using a Mask as an alternative identity- Lucien Caine- he established the Bonaparte Desrosiers Society for Free Black History. The Society used artifacts and stories from Bonaparte's old past to reconstruct his life as a mortal in the run up to the Civil War- the kind of society that rich people could get behind out of guilt mostly. In Florida he worked to build closer connections- and over time to expand the Society there as well.

While he was unharmed when Brother Julian attacked New Orleans in 2033, Bonaparte seemed to be a particular target for the Malkavian's ire. In the years since, Bonaparte had uncovered no trace of Julian or his little cult.

By 2070, Bonaparte had to take on the role of his own son (finding a gullible old mortal to take his place for a few years), Lucien Caine, Jr. Bonaparte Desrosiers has himself become famous among the high society sorts as well as Anarchs and ex-Sabbat of the Southeastern United States.

Lore: Sect War Veteran 3 (or... why is he called the Butcher anyway?)

Adriano Flores, the "fucking charming" Toreador that tried to take New Orleans

With the Sabbat weakening, there was more than a few Camarilla Kindred that saw an opportunity to advance their own station in the Tower and take advantage of the weakened Sabbat holdings in New Orleans. One was Adriano Flores, an older ancilla from St. Louis who, in Bonaparte's words, had "a lot of money, a lot of toughness, a lot of influence, and not a whole lot of sense" and had convinced a number of the city's neonates as well as private security to join the fight for the Court of St. Louis in one of their pushes south just after the year 2000. Flores was more capable than he might have gotten credit for at first, and it was no doubt the victories would help secure a favorable court position for Adriano when he eventually succeeded at taking the city.

Facing diminishing resources and help as the Sabbat continued to retreat towards New Orleans- and knowing he'd have a hard time defeating even a Toreador that was significantly older than he was with accompanying guard and brainwashed neonates, Bonaparte had set up a number of traps designed to attract the attacking Camarilla- and provide a distraction to allow the Sabbat to flee the city- before setting off huge fires to destroy Flores and some of the Kindred with him. While he did have the satisfaction of learning of Adriano's demise, it only appeared to by Bonaparte a few years at most, and apparently a nickname as "the Butcher" given Adriano's influence and apparent ties to the Court of St. Louis- and the unlives of the neonates that were also caught in the trap.

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Re: Vanguard

Post by Alex »


Name: Andrew Romanov
Apparent Age: Late 30's
Years Undead: ~180
Clan: Tzimisce

Description: Despite the Camarilla's reputation for Byzantine structure, the Sabbat's superstitious posture may very well have made it the more byzantine of the two Sects. But the Sect's eclectic mix allowed a few bright minds to thrive in its ranks, and Andrew Romanov was one of them. Andrew was the first child of Russian nobility expatriated to Boston, and thrived in the halcyon days of the late 19th century. The brilliant young man studied at Harvard, was a peer to Thomas Edison, and might have made history books for his work if not for his temper. The hothead was shunned by the inventors and scholars of New York, and eventually left for the south in a fit of frustration. That frustration would be the death of him. As a big fish in the small pond of post-Civil War New Orleans, Andre attracted the thoroughly unsavory attention of a sick Tzimisce and brought into the Sabbat's fold. In many Packs, his lack of direct martial prowess would have been a liability. But as Packmate to Bonaparte Desrosiers, Andrew thrived as an agent of Bonaparte's more subtle plays and his conduit to modernity. Perhaps surprisingly, the Embrace mellowed the hotheaded young man and made him a sober voice of reason in contrast to their fervent Malkavian packmate Julian. Andrew's passion for technology was transformed into a dark genius in the Sword of Caine, and if he had his way that Sword would become a machine gun grafted to the arm of a szlachta. His creations were spoken of in hushed terms of the Elysia of Houston and St. Louis, and the nights of Baton Rouge were safe for neither Kindred nor Kine while he was at work.

Andrew would eventually be called to New Orleans along with his Pack in the Sabbat's last stand against the mortal hunters and Anarchs swarming its streets. Once freed from the Vinculum, though, Andrew began to lose faith in the Sabbat and its cause. He resented the Sect for stifling his talents and putting his genius to their use instead of his own passions. Only loyalty to Bonaparte Desrosiers prevented him from greeting the sun or running away, and that same loyalty would eventually lead him to the Anarch Movement. Andrew joined the Anarchs along with the rest of the Warpack Malignant, and has taken well to his new allegiance. The Anarchs may not understand his brilliance, but they don't impede it. And Andrew is sure they'll eventually find a use for it.

Notable Traits (Talents, Assets, Merits, etc.):
  • Often has at least one arm grafted with metal, hydraulics, or robotics at any given time.
  • Is known in the local Black Market as a genius inventor, and creates custom technological components for the right price.
  • Maintains contacts in the counterfeiting and arms dealing sectors, and is able to get almost anything for anyone.
  • Works with the Dark Carnival for the moment, supplying them with illicit technology for sale and use.
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Re: Vanguard

Post by Alex »


Name: Alexis Delacroix
Apparent Age: Mid/High 30s
Actual Age: ~175-200
Clan: Tzimisce
Alias(es): Pilate, Nostradamus, SexyVoice

Alexis Delacroix was whacked on the back of the head with a shovel and dug herself out of a grave during Mardi Gras festivities nearly a century ago. Only her sire knows if there was a reason behind the pick or if she was just in the right place at the right time. She was intended to be cannon fodder in diversionary counterattacks during a Camarilla incursion into New Orleans in the 1920s, but after coming back from four suicide missions intact she was given recognition as a full member of the Sabbat and adopted into a pack. However Alexis only gained real notoriety for her role at the vanguard of the Sabbat offensive against Atlanta in the early 1990s, for which she was made Templar for her contributions to strategy and battle.

Alexis was integral to the Sabbat campaign up through the East Coast from Atlanta to Richmond in the 90s and early 00s, and she set up a permanent residence in Richmond when the Mid-Atlantic was won. When the Anarchs and Camarilla counterattacked against the Sabbat Alexis was eventually forced from Richmond and waged a guerrilla campaign against the Camarilla in Virginia for some time. With the final collapse of the Sabbat, Alexis made a circuitous retreat back to the city of her embrace - as far as she is concerned, her birth - to try and link up with any other survivors and plan the continuation of the eternal war against the Camarilla, the Elders, and their various pawns and proxies.

Alexis's reputation from her time as a feared Templar of the Sabbat still proceeds her to a degree. The moment that 'made' her as a noteworthy figure among the horde of Sabbat warriors that descended on Camarilla domains in the 1990s was when she set her sights on Graham Elliot, then the Ancillae Prince of Charlotte. Her personal warpack cased the Prince's haven and movements for weeks before moving in. Alexis and her packmates organized a riot to paralyze the police - while the Prince was on the road and vulnerable. They then detonated explosives that had been planted in the Prince's limo - enough to kill the Prince's bodyguards and damage the Vampire himself. After a brief but vicious battle, Alexis and her crew subdued the prince before ending his life by staking him, crucifying him, and leaving him for the sun. (Lore: Sect Wars 4).

Shortly after arriving in New Orleans, Alexis joined a warpack with Bonaparte Desrosiers, Andrew Romanov, and Brother Julian. Her contribution to the war was coming up with the idea to scout for information on the Camarilla and instead of acting directly on it, instead feed it to Andre La Voix through his radio program tip line. Eventually through this exchange of information she found out about the Camarilla ambush against Baron Richard and his gang, and the Warpack intervened to save Richard's gang-members (though not Richard himself). That night Alexis, Bonaparte, and Andrew joined the Anarchs (and parted ways with Julian). In the raid on Elysium, Alexis fought against Devon Champlaigne, ultimately falling to the elder Toreador but not before slowing him up enough for the rest of the New Orleans anarchs to fall upon and overpower him. Alexis would continue to fight on the front lines of the Third Anarch Revolt through the 2020s, assisting in the liberation of Tampa Bay, Orlando, and Jacksonville, and bringing other ex-Sabbat Templars and other lone wolves into the fold. She also organized and spearheaded an effort along with her packmates and the Anarchs of Jacksonville to destabilize the Camarilla domain of Atlanta during the 2060s. For her efforts she has gained a reputation among the Anarchs as a potent fighter and fanatic devotee to the cause (Status 2)

Peacetime (or "the time between active battles") was a difficult adjustment for Alexis. She started working as a street doctor in the Southside of New Orleans, parlaying her skill with Fleshcrafting and mundane medical knowledge into a source of income and security. As the blood hunts died down, Alexis parlayed her work as a street doctor and status as a Cainite not to be crossed into a position as a black market facilitator and broker, acting as a trusted third party in deals brokered in Southside between gangs and other outside the law economic actors. By the time 2070 rolled around Alexis was on a first name basis with most of the major gang leaders of Southside and was actively involved in maintaining the balance of power between the various factions. She also had, remarkably, become a bit of a guardian angel in her role as a doctor for the people of Southside. (Influence: Street 3 , Fame: Street 2, Influence: Black Market 2, Resources 1, Contacts 3).

Alexis has one (known surviving) childe, Alicia Fairchild, who she embraced in the 2020s campaign in Florida. Alexis saved Alicia from capture by Brother Julian and his cult in 2033 and has remained very close to her childe into the current nights. As Alicia became a capable and confident and capable vampire in her own right and as their interests diverged, Alexis's role shifted from 'educator' to more 'older sister', but the closeness hasn't changed. (Malwa 1)

Alexis has one mortal who could be considered a retainer, Derek Michaels, who acts as an extra set of eyes and ears and a diplomat on Alexis's behalf among the mortals of the Southside. Their relationship is on its surface purely professional, though Alexis does seem to be emotionally invested in his wellbeing and he seems to be intensely loyal to her. She has not ghouled Derek nor has she expressed any plans to, and she does not regularly bring him to Anarch events (though it isn't as if she's hiding him or hiding them from him either).

Alexis is known to maintain a Rolodex of Anarchs warriors and strategists that she regularly corresponds with about the affairs of the various Free Cities. Some are long-time Anarchs, some are fresher embraces, some are fellow ex-Templars from the Sabbat, and one is perhaps unexpectedly Sheldon Carter ("The Bravest Usurper I've ever met"). She's known to collaborate with these individuals on joint efforts against the Camarilla. (Malwa 3 ("Superfriends"), Malwa 1 (Sheldon).

Alexis is not very political other than her encouragement of going on the offensive against the Camarilla (or at least using limited actions to keep them off balance). To the extent that she does express a philosophy she calls for 'freedom' and 'self-determination' for vampires. She seems indifferent to the struggles of Mortal society - she certainly knows those struggles, since she interacts with them so much, but she views their fight as theirs and the Anarch's fight as the Anarchs. She is a devout and vocal Noddist - still calls vampires Cainites, still refers to fellow Anarchs as 'Brother' and 'Sister' out of respect, will preach to anyone within earshot if they let her.

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Alex - Your Friendly Neighborhood Storyteller
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