The Fourth Way

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The Fourth Way

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Few Gangs in North America command the respect that the Fourth Way, the oldest Anarch Gang still operating in New Orleans, has managed to. The Fourth Way has been active since the early 2000's, when Corinne Brown and Alain Jeannet formed it Corinne's childe Austin Spencer. The Fourth Way, along with the Baron's own Gang, was the tip of the spear in the destruction of the Sabbat of New Orleans. It would eventually add a thematically appropriate fourth member when Alain adopted Andre La Voix, an orphaned Brujah, and inducted him into its numbers. In the black nights following the assassination of Richard, the weight of the Movement rested on the Fourth Way's shoulders. And when the time came to liberate the city from the Camarilla, it would be Alain who drove a stake into the heart of an elder just as the Anarchs drove a stake into the Tower itself.

With the Anarchs' liberation of New Orleans, the composition of the Fourth Way changed but its mission did not. The Fourth Way is not only focused on securing New Orleans and the freedom of Anarchs, but in challenging oppressors of all kind. In the years since the Anarchs took the city, Alain has become known to the city's struggling workers as Big Daddy - an elusive figure who has fought back against the grinding gears of social oppression. Austin has blended into the city, taking his presence online to fight for justice. And Andre LaVoix has become a prominent podcast host among those who indulge in conspiracies, defining the narrative of the Third Anarch Revolt to a mortal world becoming more and more aware. With Houston at their doorsteps, though, all three have turned their attention to the Camarilla and resuming the war that matters most. For until the Camarilla is destroyed, no Kindred nor human shall truly walk free.
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Re: The Fourth Way

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Name: Austin Spencer
Apparent Age: 22
Actual Age: 35 (2020)
Clan: Caitiff

Appearance: Austin has the appearance of a good looking young man standing at 6’2 with an athletic build. He normally has long-ish brown hair, but frequently dyes it to match outfits. He dresses colorfully, but mostly in soft pastels rather than loud primary colors - pink, lavender, teal, etc. Most of the time he dresses casually in t-shirts or hoodies, but for special occasions/celebrations/rants he’s likely to show up in a full suit of some particular pastel - part flamboyance and part mocking the seriousness that Camarilla vampires take in their affairs. He rarely goes anywhere without his famulus Hampton, a peregrine falcon named for his sire’s assassinated friend, perched on his shoulder or flying above him.

Notable History: Growing up effeminate and unable to hide believably in the closet, Austin suffered emotional abuse at home and physical abuse from classmates at his religious school. When he finally left home, he immersed himself in Houston's LGBT community. After a string of homophobic attacks terrorized the community, Austin committed to helping his friends avoid becoming victims. He trained in self defense and was a founding member of the Houston Pink Pistols, a gun rights organization focusing on helping the LGBT community defend themselves. He also led vigilante teams dedicated to defending the Houston LGBT people from harassment and violence, but ended up becoming fairly overzealous, which led to some criminal charges of assault. He was identified by his sire, Corinne Brown, as someone with a history of defending himself, being the target of violence, and having a chip on his shoulder. She embraced him to help with the invasion of New Orleans, but her Brujah blood didn't take. Since joining the Fourth Way gang, Austin has trained in animalism with Eric and primarily used his social skills to help with communications and intelligence gathering for the Anarchs. However, even without his sire's famous strength or rage - Austin's background has left him more than willing to join the fray directly. He has remained close to his sister and her family, though he has reached the limit of plausible deniability about his lack of aging.
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Re: The Fourth Way

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Name: Andre "La Voix"
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Years Undead: ~55
Clan: Brujah

Many Anarchs were Embraced during the war for New Orleans, and most met the same fate. The sad fact is that Anarchs don't have Elders because most of them don't live very long. And while it hasn't been very long for him, Andre has beaten the odds so far. Andre is young, the childe of a childe of a broodmate Embraced by the Anarchs who came to claim New Orleans for the Movement. While Andre retains all of the prodigious strength and the dangerous temper of his Blood, his greatest aid to the Movement isn't his fists. It's in his name.

Andre is known in the dark, creepy corners of New Orleans as The Voice - La Voix. Andre operates a podcast focused on exposing the paranormal, supernatural, and corrupt in the city of New Orleans. He claims when his sire welcomed him to the night, he accepted it gladly for the chance to know the unnatural and occult. And with his lot now firmly thrown in with the Anarchs, he used that voice to put pressure on the flagging Sabbat of the city. Andre is the one of the most technologically proficient of the Anarchs, mainaining a secure dark web presence and even developing crude hacking software. But his main weapon remains his willingness to provoke. By playing fast and loose with the Masquerade in reporting Sabbat activity, Andre roused superstitious locals to paranoia and drew police activity with his vivid - perhaps exaggerated - accounts of supernatural depravity. As the war for New Orleans winds down, Andre has fallen in with the Fourth Way. The determination of the Camarilla to stamp out anything that doesn't fit their mold clashes with his love of all things dark and strange. Once the siege is over, Andre may well lend his voice to a cause within the movement - no compromise, no quarter, and no concessions to the Camarilla. And he had the honor of spreading that message to the Anarchs of North America when Alain announced the fall of Elysium to his show first.

Andre has always had a bit of the devil's luck about him, always seeming to be in the right place at the right time. Even his mistakes have a way of coming around in his favor, and the coming decades would reinforce that perception. Andre remained with the Fourth Way through Corinne Black's departure from the Gang, and continued his dark web podcast. The rebranded La Voix-Ta Voix - The Voice-Your Voice - show gained unexpected attention in the 2030's as the Masquerade began to come down. Andre's listener base swelled from the hundreds into the thousands, and the merchandise he sold to these new listeners saw a windfall of revenue for him. While his refusal to leave the dark web puts a hard upper limit on his following, he has managed to become a local fixture in the slums where Kindred are a part of life and among the cities crackpot community. Andre also manages the city's presence on Radio Free State - making him The Voice of the Free City of New Orleans online. Andre's luck may well run out one night, and his new standing has attracted unwanted attention from the Camarilla and Hunters alike. But the young Brujah seems well-positioned to make His Voice heard in 2070.

Notable Traits (Talents, Assets, Merits, etc.):
  • Has a reputation as a bit of a lady's man, with some dashing good looks considering his field (Beautiful)
  • Still maintains his human identity as "The Voice" - an open Vampire to his listeners - and the fan following that comes with it
  • Is well-regarded by Anarchs around the country, who he reaches through Radio Free State
  • Is currently the target of a federal manhunt for his role in the Beaumont Prison riot
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Re: The Fourth Way

Post by Alex »


Name: Alain Jeannet
Aliases: Big Daddy, Pigshit Guy
Apparent Age: 25
Years Undead: 184 (b. 1861 Paris, e.1886 NYC)
Clan: Toreador

Description: Alain is a fit man of no remarkable height but with a robust flare for the dramatic. He can most regularly be found hanging around with the rest of The Fourth Way, dressed in a pair of dirty jeans, brown work boots, and a shirt that is never quite buttoned up all the way. With a old school flat cap and a rose occasionally pinned to his shirt, he roams about his unlife agitating actions against the Camarilla as he has done for over a century. While, at least in his own mind, Alain is another one of the hordes of working class men and women of this world, he has been known to enjoy a good wine, classical music, and a myriad of other luxuries one might not usually associate with the mantle.

Notable Traits:
  • In mortal life, Alain was born in the outskirts of Paris to a family of working class activists and supporters of the short lived Paris Commune. His parents both died amidst the violence during and following the fall of the Commune. He was left with a sympathizing family who eventually immigrated to the US.
  • Alain is the childe of New York Chereau Broadcast's own Louis Chereau, having grown up and been embraced in New York City at the end of the 19th century.
  • With a long history of anti-Camarilla agitation that includes provoking the ire of an Archon, desecration of an Elysium (The Swine Ball), and participation in the Anarch Revolt of Los Angeles in the 1940's, Alain has earned himself a special hatred within the Camarilla and is actively being sought for execution. (Enemy of the State, Anarch Status 4, Infamy)
  • He currently has a singular ghoul, Charlie Schwartz, who he claimed from the fallen Prince Henry Mitchell. Charlie has since become a big player in the Public Security space,under the mask of his persona Benjamin Kind.
  • Alain is actively opposed to the masquerade, seeing the average mortal as someone the anarchs could easily find and be found relatable. He has pushed this attitude in both mortal and kindred circles leading to prominence in both. (Anarch Fame 3, "Big Daddy" Fame 2, A Way With Words)
  • Known for not making friends among the Camarilla, he's especially made a mark on Houston Cammie Dr. Oliver Klein, after making a spectacle of himself in Elysium during Klein's reign as Keeper in Houston.
  • Alain has swore to hunt down Robin St. Claire for her participation in the death of Baron Richard. (Enemy)
  • Outside his work in kindred circles, Alain has been known to join mortal labor efforts. Using his agitating talents to aid the common worker, has led to a not so nice relationship with the local Chamber of Commerce (Labor Influence 3, Labor Fame 2, Disliked by Chamber of Commerce)
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Alex - Your Friendly Neighborhood Storyteller
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