Chronicle Tenets

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Chronicle Tenets

Post by Alex »

Chronicle Tenets are a set of guidelines encompassing the themes of the Chronicle. In a mechanical sense, the Chronicle Tenets aren't unlike another set of Convictions - principles that the characters hold which may be broken at the cost of risking the character's humanity. But in a larger sense, the Chronicle Tenets establish the feel and theme of the Chronicle. They set the mood and the tone of the story, and tie the character's actions into the world itself. Our Chronicle Tenets are listed below.

Fight the Man, don't become him - power for its own sake turns us into tyrants - To the Anarchs of New Orleans, power and influence as a means to an end. They're not an end unto themselves. Anarchs are meant to resist the powerful and fight for freedom, but the Camarilla isn't the only threat to that freedom. Kindred are conniving and duplicitous by nature, and in this Chronicle the Anarchs call them to fight that selfish nature and work together. To use power against their enemies, not capriciously over each other. We're to fight tyrants, not become tyrants.

It's us against them - don't collaborate with the enemy - The Camarilla has proven it can't be trusted since the Elders who founded it first walked the night. Baron Richard had to learn that lesson the hard way, but by shedding his Blood the Camarilla permanently ended their charade. The Camarilla is not to be trusted. Not to be dealt with. The only conversation that can be had with them, save for a ruse, is how Alain Jeannet began his conversation with the treacherous Robin. "Are you ready to join the Movement?" And for some, it's entirely too late for that.

We're more than ourselves - never hurt the Movement to help yourself - The Camarilla's greatest weakness is on the inside - in the way its members are willing to sell each other out to get ahead. These divisions are what allowed the Anarchs of New Orleans to prevail, and if they open up in the Movement will allow the Camarilla to pour back in. Disputes between Anarchs should be settled openly and honestly, with words or with fists. But when one Anarch loses influence over the mortal world, the entire Movement is weaker for it. Unlike the Camarilla, we're all in this together.
Alex - Your Friendly Neighborhood Storyteller
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